
Christians do you realize that you are actually the minority?

by Guest33651  |  earlier

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Yes you have the most members, but the rest of the religions together outweigh you in the realm of all that is. Below are just the top 20 religions world wide. And yes the numbers are approximate (as close as possible) and no they aren't mine.

So knowing the numbers of those who believe Jesus was god's only son, and those who don't............. will you still argue so whole heartily when others express their beliefs?

Christianity: 2.1 billion

Islam: 1.5 billion

Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: 1.1 billion

Hinduism: 900 million

Chinese traditional religion: 394 million

Buddhism: 376 million

primal-indigenous: 300 million

African Traditional & Diasporic: 100 million

Sikhism: 23 million

Juche: 19 million

Spiritism: 15 million

Judaism: 14 million

Baha'i: 7 million

Jainism: 4.2 million

Shinto: 4 million

Cao Dai: 4 million

Zoroastrianism: 2.6 million

Tenrikyo: 2 million

Neo-Paganism: 1 million

Unitarian-Universalism: 800 thousand

Rastafarianism: 600 thousand

Scientology: 500 thousand




  1. Perhaps as Christians we should obey our Lord when He said, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned."

    When the Truth speaks, we should listen.

  2. so what? Jesus said:

    Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

    Matthew 7:14

  3. Yes. I could careless what percent we are because we are still growing and nothing will ever change the fact that Jesus is the son of God and he will return.

  4. Reckon as an atheist, I'm WAY outnumbered, eh?

  5. Why should you care what Christians believe?  As long as you are comfortable with your own beliefs it doesn't matter what others think.  If you just accept that others have a right to different beliefs then everyone will get along a lot better.

  6. And your point?

  7. to say christians are in minority is a wrong and biased statement. you can not compare your numbers with the total numbers of the other religions. if you do this then you are right but biased and misleading the christians. you compare the strenght of christianity with each and every religion indivdually the christians are in majority,

  8. The word of God proved once again:

    "And someone said to him, Lord, will only a small number have salvation? And he said to them,  Do your best to go in by the narrow door, for I say to you, A number will make the attempt to go in, but will not be able to do so. Luke 13:23-24

    another translation:

    "Strain every nerve to force your way in through the narrow gate," He answered; "for multitudes, I tell you, will endeavor to find a way in and will not succeed."Luke 13:24

    There is only one way Jesus said:

    "I am the Way," replied Jesus, "and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me."John 14:6 (WEY)

    it is not an easy life to be a Christian, it costs everything - It cost Jesus His life - He gave it for me. It costs me my life - I give it for Him.

    "I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me; and the life which I now live in the body I live through faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself up to death on my behalf. 21 I do not nullify the grace of God; for if acquittal from guilt is obtainable through the Law, then Christ has died in vain." Gal 2:20-21 (WEY)

  9. I fail to see your point,

    Anyway, did you know that even the smallest army can overcome the largest?

  10. 1. You really have to classify the religions in 3 basic classes or  maybe even 2:

    - monotheistic religions

    - multitheistic religions (which can include the non-believers as a subcategory as they generally believe in multiplicity of views and so can accomodate non-believers as a special group)

    2. On that basis the world is still multitheistic which means tolerant of other views as a basic tenant. In this group fall - hinduism, chinese religions, jainism, buddhism, a lot of christians and the like.

    3. Monothesim is generally about power and money whereas true religion is personal and inward looking, try to improve yourself rather than converting others to your viewpoint. THIS constant need to convert has been the source of a lot of conflict in the world in the last 1500 yrs or so. Christ didnt have this in mind - infact most of Christ's basic philosophy is same as other eastern philosophies (of course he came from the east too!) but his followers at some point codified the principals of power and money for their personal good. Also, with the advent of democracy most of the extreme Christian principals are softened already to the point that christianity is gentler-softer religion now. Most of those who you classify as christians are only christians because they got married or do some other social thing in the church and really do not subscribe to christianity esp. in Europe.

    3. Christianity and Islam are the newest religions and are like going through constant change - they are like at the adolosent phase where they are discovering and constantly faced with the need to adopt to the principle of "multiplicity of views as a basic tenant" and then you can see and tolerate others - athestic, g**s and others included - and live a more harmonious life as brothers, sisters and "keepers of the world". Other more mature religions have evolved or adopted this basic tenant and so will these more new religions over a period of time. We have more urgent problems to solve in this world than fighting over religion - after all religion in a most fundamental sense was invented as a way for humans and society to function (and this can be easily twisted to gain power or money if we are not careful by the fundamentalists). And function we must as one big human society focused, if we are to face mankind's most pressing problems - poverty, aids, war, global warming, alternate energy, hunger, disease, etc. Islam and christiany does address this in many good ways such as universal brotherhood and charity principals and those all must keep and adopt.

    4. Hope you will consider these views and lets forget this "my religion" issue and focus on some real issues. You are not born with this dilemma - you belong to any specific religion only because you were born in this but as a human being everyone is born with a great mind and we must use it for the benefit of the society and humankind. Peace be with all.

  11. Thank you Priscilla 101 for quoting Matthew, however  I would like to quote something your Jesus supposedly said.. " in my Father's house there are many mansions".. (many mansions COULD have meant other religions)...

    Jesus Christ..

    And please don't try to tell me what he meant by that.. only he knew so if you are a mind reader give it a shot.. if not then you need to read more than your bible and educate yourself..



  12. It's not a popularity contest.

  13. Splendid illogic.

    By YOUR thought counting runny noses is the best way to determine truth or fitness or anything else.

    How 'bout this? Let's suppose that I have the power to make everyone who hears my voice believe what I say without the slightest doubt, that everyone who hears my voice hears it in their native language and that I have a network that allows my voice to be heard by every man, woman and child on Earth. And I get on that network and I say, "Tomorrow morning, your local time, the sun will rise in the west." Every man, woman and child, hears my voice, understands my words and believes in their truth without a shred of doubt.

    Now just which direction should you face next morning to SEE the sun rise?

    Numbers alone are meaningless, my dear.  

  14. If you are going down to the millions, why not include Jehovah's Witnesses at over 6 million worldwide in your top 20?  Who believe in Jesus Christ and Jehovah God?

  15. Bye bye christians.  Now that you are going away I will not miss you one bit

  16. Oh well. I'm use to being a minority. And this matter to me how?

  17. It wouldn't matter to me if there was only ten,  I will always believe and be a Christian

  18. The word of God tells us many are invited but few are chosen.

  19. It doesn't really matter how many of us there are.  It's not a numbers game.  As long as man exists there will always be a remnant... there will never be a time when there are no believers.

    Edit: Beg pardon, but JW's are NOT Christian.  They view Christ as A god, but not The God.

  20. REV. LAURA......WOW!!!  is all I can say here!!!  To imagine for a moment that you took so much time and expended so much energy to accumulate all this information!!  WOW!!!  Here's my Opinion though.  I hope that this will clarify some things for you, in my humble opinion.

    I am a 100% American Indian (the last in my Family too)

    Today....the Indian population of America is less than 5%

    500 years ago The population of America was 100% Indian

    What happened???

    Other races came and brought their diseases, their hatred and bigotries, they brought their weapons of mass distruction and so here I am with my People dying.  Even the food is killing us, the majority of my people are Diabetics because of this food.

    In America....does this matter to anyone, other than Indians???  No!

    My people welcomed these first.  Then shortly after, these foreigners became our enemies, because of the afore mentioned things.  Did anything change?  Yes....we were defeated, killed, robbed, and now We continue to die.  Does it matter to anyone???  No!!!   Will it ever change???  Yes.....when we are no longer.

    Every single foreinger brought their own "RELIGION" and forced it on us, just like their diseases and food.  The minorities will continue to die in this world, as they have in the past.  Will this matter to anyone???  No.

    "RELIGIONS" will die and pass away as are the Indians of America, will this matter to anyone???   NO!!!

    "God fearing, Bible Beleiving, people" will continue to die everyday.  As with the Indians and Religion, these people will die, but will thismatter to anyone???  NO!!!!   So.....what's all the Hub-bub about???

    "God fearing, Bible Beleiving" people will be with the Lord God Almighty in Heaven, for the rest of Eternity.  Will this matter to anyone???  YEP!!!!   Who???  Those that don't get into Heaven!!!

    WHY???   h**l is a real place of torment and pain and suffering!!!  It's all BAD!!  That is where those NON-beleivers will be!!!  I didn't say so, GOD DID!!!!

    RELIGION  is man made.  It's a procedure of worship, a practice inside a church, a procedure, a system (for lack of a better word).

    RELIGION  is NOT of GOD.  GOD is GOD!!!  You either have a personal relationship with HIM or you don't, it's that simple.

    If you don't want to beleive in the Lord God.....great.  Your Choice.  Remember that, okay??  If you do go to h**l.....and I'm not saying that you will or you won't.....don't p**s and moan and blasphem God for it.

    YOU chose it for yourself......okay????

  21. Thats good to see!  Poor christians.  i said that they would not last

  22. So sad that so many fear knowledge. If more learning were to be done we would ALL see that so many of the stories in the bible are just revised versions of stories told long before Christianity. Oh and btw.....yes....JW's ARE Christians. Please educate yourselves folks. Jehovah Witnesses  were once of a association of bible students.

    Here let me help.

    This information was easily found on Wikipedia.

    Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus (also 'Jesus Christ' or 'Christ') is the only-begotten Son of Jehovah, Jehovah and Jesus are separate beings, and that the Holy Spirit is Jehovah's impersonal, active force.[59] By dying on a torture stake, Jesus served as a ransom sacrifice to pay for each person's sins. For this, Jesus is regarded as the only means by which to approach Jehovah in prayer, and the means of salvation.[60] Also, Jesus is regarded as head of the Christian Congregation. They also believe that Jesus was the archangel Michael before being born into the flesh, and as such, is a created being similar to the other angels.  

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