
Christians do you think you god is a god of love who encourages wisdom & truth as well as dispels fear ?

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Or is he a god of ignorance & vengeful spite spreading hate and bigotry while committing genocide and burning people in h**l for eternity for eternity for minor infractions of his laws .

Please briefly explain why you believe what you do without ranting .

As an atheist who has read your bible I see any being that would act the way he does as unworthy of worship and I also find no real evidence for him or Jesus ever existing .




  1. To God an infraction is an infraction.  Lying is just as bad as murder.  God cannot and will not stand sin.  Sin is sin no matter how you paint it.  What if a man brought a girl daisies and the girl said that she was allergic to flowers and so the man took them away, only to come back the next day with petunias.  Sure it's a different from what he brought before but it is still a flower.  We have classified sin.  God calls all sin evil and judges impartially.  But God is a God of grace.  So he made a way for man to be redeemed or bought back.  However, He left the choice with us.  For all those who choose, He will redeem but the rest have been given their chance.  

  2. No.He is not that way but he's not very tolerant of sin. He hates sin. I believe he can be loving but totally frightening to those who hate him. He can never be evil himself and he can never be wrong. He can execute judgement but can be totally merciful. I believe it because it's true.

  3. Yes, i think my God is a God of love who encourages wisdom and truth as well as dispels fear.

    I need to tell you Ava, not everyone accepts Christ as their Lord and Savior the moment they hear the Gospel.  

    (the statement I just made is explained in Matthew 13, verses 1 through 8.  (Matt 13:1-8)

    You must understand and believe that God is Spirit.  You must also, just in case you dont know, know that you are also a spiritual being.

    Gods' kingdom is spiritual. Not Physical.  Your relationship, anyones' relaitonship, with God is spiritual.

    Ava, you would not have even read the bible if you were not seeking something that you have yet to find.

    I see fear of God in your statements... that He is seeking to cause you and everyone else physical harm.  (you asked me not to rant I wont).

    But to answer your question...reading the bible would make many people frightened it scared me too.  The bible is largly concerned with obedience and above all faith...your may find this difficult to believe, but it all points toward a messiah.  The Messiah appears physically in the new testament.

    Ava reading the bible will not make you believe in God.  I know you are seeking answers and you dont know which way to turn.  

    Turn into some non denominational Christian Chruches and listen to the semons, listen to the music, listen to the lessons (take notes) learned from different ministers. then come back to your bible, get a teaching bible New King James if possible.  Learn about Jesus.

    When you hear the call in your Heart, and only in your Heart, you will know it.  You hear the call in your heart, your soul, and your spirit. is peaceful.  There is no friend like Jesus Ava, he will heal you and give you peace in your.. Spirt by your faith.  And that Spiit will guide you.  

    What you will learn in the sermons is a lot about what you have read in the bible, and it will amaze you the things that you will learn that you totally and completely missed, because of your fear.

    When I gave my heart, soul, spirt, mind and strength to The Lord Jesus Christ, my whole world changed, because I believed and tasted Him, my life is good, my Lord and SaviourTakes Care of Me and He will take Care of You.  

    Learn about Christ.  Go to these verses in the bible  Matthew 11:28-30

    28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

    We go through so many storms in life looking for the right answer Ava.  Dont give up on God.  Dont Give up on Jesus.

    Hang in there,

    With the unconditional love of God,



  4. We stand at opposite ends.  I know God.  I have talked to Him and He has talked to me.  He is very loving.  He is everything people would want Him to be.

    Why don't you try opening up to Him.

  5. I believe the God of Israel chose His people to deliver a savior to all of mankind to correct what Adam and Eve did. Everyone is invited, not all will accept. Some people won't worship Him because they don't like the rules they are to follow. They refuse to acknowledge Him as the final authority of their life. Such as yourself, you've decided for yourself to reject Him and He does nothing to interfere.  

  6. Briefly explain?  how brief.. 'cause the question you asked is very complicated to answer.

    Here is my attempt at brevity...

    1) God gives everyone freewill to make their own choices. It seems a bit childish in my opinion to want freewill but not the consequences that come with it.  

    2) It is a bit childish to say that God punishes us in h**l when in fact we have a role in putting ourselves there.  It is QUITE possible that what the the bible means by the verses that talk about God putting us in h**l is that he is the last one who accepts our decision.  A decision we freely made.. so only in the context of accepting our decision is he "putting us in h**l" Therefore  a more philosophical view, given the fact that we have freewill is that we essentially PUT ourselves there, by rejecting God. The majority of the bible talks more about how we, thru our thoughts and actions, choose to separate ourselves from God. So a more thorough understanding would put the blame on us.   This is a more mature way of looking at it.

    h**l is the only place devoid of God's presence.  If you reject him.. that is the ONLY place he can put you.  OTHERWISE he'd have to disrespect your decision and force you to be in his presence when clearly your life decisions have indicated this is not what you want.

    Are you saying that it is unfair that God respects the mind of his own creation.. and should, instead, force himself on his creation?  That doesn't sound like an atheistic view? So your views and your statements seem to be incontradiction.

    3) Evidence is all around you.. you have used the evidence to conclude that he does not exist, just as I have used the same evidence to decide he exists.  The Facts stay the same.. the Truth changes.  

    Just like there is PLENTY of evidence or "facts" surrounding the JFK assassination, yet individuals derive different "truths" from that evidence.

    You can not say, in any absolute way, that there isn't ANY evidence for God, only that you have interpreted that evidence to come to the conclusion that he doesn't exist. -- BUT to say that there is NO evidence for his existence is an absolutest and arrogant view.

    4) It seems that you have very absolutest views on things.. that you feel you have some absolute knowledge of what is fair and unfair. You thru these words around as if you alone have the power to define them. If there is no God, then there is no supreme being which can define such things as right and wrong,  fair and unfair, therefore all your assertions are subjective and only relevant to you. Hate, Bigorty, and "minor infractions" are all subjective or relative terms unless you believe in a supreme being. At BEST all you can get is a 'concensus' of views. However, since I doubt I will agree with your views, I PERSONALLY think your concepts of fair and hate are subjective. Therefore they hold no meaning in my mind. They are only your opinion.. nothing more.

  7. You say you have read the Bible? What do you think of Revelation 20:14?

    If there is a h**l then why Romans 6:7

    Why would this happen John 5:28,29

    When you said you have read the Bible I think you read it the same way that the churches of today have read it(they skipped the important parts). They have selective reading & hearing.

    There is no burning h**l taught in the Bible.

    The Bible does not teach that there is a immortal soul Paganism is full of those teachings

    Cross(Sun God Tau)(Egyptian God Tammus), who's birthday was Dec 25th

    Easter(The goddess Astarte)Ishtar for the Ninevits

    Halloween (Satan worship)

    Mother & child worship( in Assyria, Egypt, & Greece way before Jesus)

    The reason why you are an Atheist is because you do not know what the Bible really teaches. Your conclusion is based on paganism masked with a religious face to lead all man to destruction, that is why in the 17th chapter of Rev it calls  the empire of false religion " Babylon the Great" a harlot "h**r"! This is what you base your Atheism on?

    You do not know what the Bible really teaches! And if the true God did act the way you have said he has, I wouldn't believe in him either

  8. Oy, but this is a complicated one. You outdid yourself this time, Eva. :)

    As a former Christian, I can understand their view. God is love because He created them (us), He sent his only Son to die for them (and all mankind) salvation is a gift, free for the taking. All you have to do is believe....

    And yes, I really do get how they can see His love as nothing but good and pure. I don't know if you have kids, but the love a parent has for their children is like no other (unless you believe that God's love triumphs over all) so the sacrifice Jesus made was the ultimate act of love.

    John 15:13 --"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." It was the greatest act of love Jesus could have done, to give up his life for us. It was God's greatest act of love, to send his son to a horrible death --for us.

    These two acts cancel out all of the rules God holds us to and the punishments in store for us. After all, he created us, he gave us life, surely we could accept this gift for what it is and not deny......

    And here is where the Christians and I part company.

    As a parent, I love my children more than life itself. I would die for them with a sad smile on my face. Sad that I am leaving them, happy to see them spared. This is something every parent feels, so we can identify with the sacrifice Jesus made.

    But, the difference is, I love my children so much that I could not harm even one hair on their heads. Homosexuality? What's the big deal? When you give a child life you raise that child to grow up, be successful and find there own happiness. This does not include disowning your child for his/her sexual choices, especially when this is born into him, along with hair and eye color and the size of their feet. You don't tell your child to seek happiness and then punish them for finding it.

    We teach our children to be fair and just. Unlike God, we don't punish all of our children for the infractions of one or two. We don't judge the entire family because Uncle Wally is eccentric or Jimmy is the black sheep. We accept each other for who we are, and don't try to force them to be something they are not meant to be. We extend our love to them without conditions.

    I don't punish my kids for not praising my every effort to provide for them. I don't refuse to cook because someone forgot to thank me for last night's dinner. I don't have my child killed for talking back and questioning me. I don't shun them, I don't hold grudges, I don't threaten. I smile at them, offer up a hug and continue to love them. Above all, I forgive them.

    Almost without exception, every parent does this.

    The Christians think their God is one of love, and worthy of worship, because they have been taught this way. They do not question this. They are told repeatedly that anyone who cannot accept this love will either sent to h**l or removed from God's love (whatever version you believe). After all, He created them, Jesus died for them....

    They don't understand that God is a work of fiction, created by man as a means of control. They don't understand that, in order to control large amounts of people spread out over vast distances you make them afraid. For those who stray from the flock, dire punishment awaits.

    Any atheist sees their God as a vengeful, spiteful God, unworthy of worship for the very simple reasons I outlined above, and can (after that essay) sum up with one simple sentence: Loving parents don't behave like that.

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