
Christians help me out!!!!!!!!!?

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my friend and i are still young were high school age and we want to start a ministry like helping others out and when we are older we want to go out and tell people about God all around the world and build churches and make our own ministry but were still young but we want to start now! how would we go about doing this?




  1. What everybody said is pretty much all there is to it:o)

    I'll say a prayer for you two too, this is a very nice thing yall are doing!!

  2. Talk to your local pastor and youth group in your church.

  3. First is to study and learn the Word of God....and right now your focus needs to be on school. Besides the Church youth group suggestion , you also can ask at your high school. Also if you search your home town and youth Christian volunteer opportunities that might give ideas too.Just get volunteer experience as much as possible.

    I aaplaude both of you for your long range care plan!! God Bless!!

  4. Sunshine & Tommy F are right. I agree with them. God Bless & I'll say a prayer for ya!!!

  5. Spreading the love of God and sharing Him with others is as simple as a smile as you walk by the elderly lady sitting on a park bench, as simple as seeing someone drop something and picking it up for them, as simple as washing the dishes for the single mum next door who is struggling with her 3 children.

    That is as much ministry as praying for someone. I have a supermarket ministry, for whatever reason elderly people just start talking to me in the shop and I stop to listen. It encourages me that someone would be willing to share their life with me and I feel truely priveleged by that.... But some people just need someone to show, I'm willing to stop and listen to YOU because you ARE worth listening to. Now I don't know if me taking the time to listen has been of value to them or not but I know how I feel when someone takes the time to listen to me. But for whatever reason people just start talking and I can take the time, it is easy and simple.  

    See the elderly lady on the park bench, you don't know what has happened to her or how lonely she is and that smile can mean the world. I've received those smiles in my greatest time of need and it is amazing what a kind smile can do. And I've also been the single mum struggling to keep it together who has been amazingly blessed and experienced the love of God by a loving heloing hand just when I needed it.

    You have to be careful because you are young who you give a smile to because you don't want to create a dangerous situation for yourself but what I'm trying to show you is how simple ministry can be.

    I would speak to your youth leader or pastor about it but also think about how simple the ministry can be and how easy it is for you as a young person to minister into the lives of others without even knowing it.

    You sound like you have a wonderful sweetness..... Don't ever let go of that. I hope you are blessed by what you give as much as you would like to bless others.

  6. Great!  It's good that you and your friend want to tell people about God.  This is what Jesus commanded all believers:  The Great Commission [Matthew 28:18-20].  For many who have a strong desire to "plant churches" (apostolic passion), the first place to start is with family and friends--your circle of influence.  

    Speak with your pastor or church leaders involved in missions, evangelism and community outreach.   You could also become involved in an intercessory prayer group.  Many do not realize the importance of a faithful prayer force in missions.  

    You could also check out groups like:  Campus Crusade for Christ International and Youth With A Mission (YWAM) who have speakers that are always willing to speak to congregations and youth groups.  You can also start by doing good works and introducing people to Christ through your actions, behavior and attitude (Christlike).

    Throughout the world, churches are "partnering" (working together) to complete the task of preaching the gospel to every tongue and tribe.  There are actually college courses for evangelism!

    Also know that there are many aspects of being in the missionary field:  Some people go but others send which includes those who prepare people for being sent out into the field (mobilizers) and, of course, those who pray.



  7. I'm not sure about how you would do this in the future, but you can do things now. Firstly pray about it. Just keeping seeking God and he will open the right doors, and sometimes the doors look small, but they open big rooms. Secondly, read your bible, just get to know him more and more, then when the time is right you'll know exactly what to do.  

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