
Christians - how is Jesus a light in your life?

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Christians - how is Jesus a light in your life?




  1. That he maintained belief in God even in the face of being killed for doing no wrong by mans laws or Gods laws. That gives me more courage than anything.

  2. He is the Light of my life and the Lamp unto my feet.

    One of my most favorite passages in the New Testament:

    Matthew 5:16

    Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.

    Jesus shines through me and I feel as though I am glowing with His Love!

  3. Jesus lights my way in all I do,He is the only light in this dark world...................God Bless

  4. He swallowed a radium wristwatch.

    Now he glows in the dark.

  5. By his example he showed me the way to live a full and rewarding life

  6. waoh! Good question, made me pose for a minute usually I just answer the first thing that comes to mind with all the other questions but this one I thought about it and I am glad you posted it, makes us think about what we profess, is it just words to us or it is real!

    Well to answer, Jesus is a light in my life because since I gave my life back to Christ ( 2 months now) i see thinks in a diff. way. I see people differently. It was easy to judge others based on how they looked, what they said, their life style but now when I see people no matter how mean sometimes they may be, or rude or clueless I see a person God loves, I see a soul that Jesus paid for with his blood and I see myself in those people before I met Christ and for the most part even people who seem to have it all together and seem like they are living the "life" I have a sense of compassion and sadness at the same time bcoz they don't know Christ and yet He loves them so very much.

    I am not quick to judge or dismiss people (I'm still learning, haven't perfected it yet) as before. Jesus has opened my eye and has let me see people from His eyes........

  7. When I cannot see in this dark world, He lights my way.

  8. Jesus is the light of my life in him there is no darkness at all

    Jesus is the light of my pathway

    Jesus is the light that shinneth in a dark place


  9. he is who I follow, who I pattern myself after,  he give me when I am afraid, strenght, and when satan come to me, he is my light. l love him

  10. He is?  d**n, that would explain why I've been in the dark all these years...

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