Question: many of you know your neighbor next door?

by  |  earlier

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if you know them are you at peace with them or at odds?, why?




  1. we know our neighbours.. no beef, its alll good.  

  2. I like my neighbours next door and on the other side they keep to themself. all good.

  3. I know several. We all get along just fine.

  4. I have Ben on one side an immigrant from Romania and "Butch" on the other side.Ben is cool but Butch thinks he is the neighborhood cop. He patrols 20 times a day in his little Suzuki jeep. We all live in the mountains above San Bernadino, Calif. My other neighbors are trees,skunks and coyotes.

  5. I do.


    We live in the same bldg.,

    we met, and we get along,

    and the kids play together.

    Because they are the same age.

    On the other side is an empty house,

    I guess? it was repo'ed?

    Across the street is a visitor's center,

    I've gone in there and met the women that work there.

  6. Well on one side we have about 5 families living in one house they are renting that dont speak english and have had immigration come out several times.  (wondering why I am sooo annoyed with illegal immigration anyone?)

    On the other side we have neighbors that moved in a few days ago.

    I know the family across the street.  They are very very nice.

    I am at peace with all of them but wish that immigration would just deport the one side already!  Actually I have had to tell them not to blast their mariachi music at 7 am a few times and to keep their stupid little dogs off the lawn!  The time I told them about the dogs the lady said, no understand english.  Yeah right.  

    I guess we arent friends, but we arent enemies, either.

  7. I love my neighbors on both sides of my house.  They are really nice people

  8. Actually the question should say, " How many of you love your neighbor next door?" peace.

  9. We live and let live, we help each other when needed

    tGod bless

  10. Yes i do & very well.

    We get on very well , one side is an old Italian lady & when i mow my lawn i mow hers so see doesn't have to pay someone .

    We often cook something special & share with each other .

  11. I do.

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