
Christians: if you believe in Samson?

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why not hercules? and there belief?

<if i am correct i beleive Samson meet hercules but i am not sure>




  1. samson is also fictous. his story is an analogy of the earth&#039;s orbit around the sun.

  2. Hercules is part of mythology.  I am sure most Greeks would admit that he was a myth.

    Samson didn&#039;t meet Hercules...  He was a real person.

  3. Samson is in the bible, and I have to agree with Todd. Have you ever taken the time to read and understand the only good book written by so many great prophets.

  4. those guys were wimps - you want a real hero, I&#039;m right here

  5. Samson is from the Bible.  Hercules is completely fictitious.  There is no relation between them whatsoever.  

  6. Samson was and is the strongest man in the World, and also mentioned in the Bible. God can give all of us strength to overcome the obstacles in our Life if we ASK him.As like others we don&#039;t see any word of Hercules, did he exist I haven&#039;t done research, still doing God work,LOL.

  7. I believe in Dora the Explorer.

    But Dora, Samson, and Hercules are no where near greatness.

  8. Have you ever read the Bible or just watched old bad movies?

    Would you be willing to learn something?

    Here is a link, you can read the story yourself.

    Samson repeatedly did what he wasn&#039;t supposed to and still God used him and in the end he repented and served God right to his death.

    May you learn as well as ask.


  9. Samson is in the Bible, Hercules is not.

    Samson knew God, Hercules.............I doubt it.

  10. It&#039;s possible that Hercules might have existed, but, he was not the son of a god.

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