
Christians...if you could choose between the gift of healing and poverty or no gift of healing and wealth?

by  |  earlier

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what would your choice be and why?




  1. Think of the money you could make if you could heal by magic.

    Absolute fortune.

  2. Definitely healing. -The way Jesus Christ did.

    Helping others is the reward.

  3. Well I have chosen to live among the poor and minister to them. It is the best experience of my life! I would love to have the gift of healing. Not too long ago 27 divine healings took place from the prayers of freshly trained young people here who had been trained in the authority they have in Christ. I have only experienced the casting out of a demon in a neighbor myself here.  

  4. y only christians? wats wrong with the rest of us? arent we people?

  5. i rather choose the gift of healing and poverty because the bible says "i know your affliction and poverty-yet you are rich!"

  6. I'm atheist,but I can answer that without hesitation.I would love a "gift"of healing.Money doesn't mean so much to me.I've got some,comfortably retired,but I grew up poor as dirt,could live that way again.I'm not very materialistic.I don't have a lot of "wants"I would love to be able to heal

  7. Would I be able to heal myself?

    If so - healing.

    Money means nothing if you havnt got health.

    Nobody means anything if you arn't happy with yourself first.

  8. The reality of it is, it's very hard to provide for your family while impoverished, but being able to heal people would be the far better deal in the immediate sense.

    On the other hand, with sufficient "wealth" (read obscene) you could help advance modern medicine enough that you might be able to help more people and still be able to provide for your family.

    So based on family and number of people helped, I'll go with wealth.

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