
Christians - in what way is Jesus your Shepherd?

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Christians - in what way is Jesus your Shepherd?




  1. Jesus is my shepherd because He leads,guides and directs me in the paths I should go.....God Bless

  2. Christians are like sheep - hence the expression came about.

  3. Jesus is the Shepherd that leads His flock.  We are like his sheep because we know His voice, we trust Him and follow Him, wherever He leads us.  Jesus said He is the Good Shepherd, He takes care of HIs flock and He will lay down His life for them, because He loves them.

    This could all be found in the book of John.

  4. Because I need him to take care of me, I can not do it myself. If I get to far from my shepard he comes looking for me and rejoices when he finds me. I am in a dangerous place when I wonder to far from him, I could be devoured by the enemy if I am not close enough for him to protect me. I know his voice and follow him. When I have grown enough he can use my wool to clothe the poor. He leads me to the things I need like good food and water. He makes me to lie in green pastures. He gives me peace when I am with him. He meets all my needs. He loves me and looks after me.  

  5. I am one of his a shepherd guides his sheep jesus guides us.  Sheep are followers and just like us they depend on a greater presence for guidance and protection. the secuity and safety of our spiritual well being depends on a wise and dependable leader and jesus is that guide.

  6. He is The Divine "Shepherd" because He leaves not one of His flock to the wolves to be devoured. Understand? He protects us. The use of the word "shepherd" is a term even a child can understand, so that the reader may know how special, loved and protected you are.

    There is nothing more helpless in the "wild" as a lost sheep. In real terms.

    You are the sheep, in this world.

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