
Christians! is this not idol worship in Jesus camp? ?

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Christians LITERALLY worshiping George Bush's picture

isn't this against Christianity ?




  1. Yeah it is actually. It's actually called a sin. If I remember my all of the 10 commandments correctly, there is one that says you shall not bow down to anybody or anything else. It's called idolatry.

  2. no its not idol worship

    they are not worshiping Bush

    they just blessed him.

  3. The evangelicals are on drugs, I swear on God's name.


  4. There are people in psych wards that are far saner than this.

  5. No they were praying for Bush not worshipping him.

  6. most of what "christians" do is against christianity, including supporting a president who acts in self defense for the nation "Do not resist an evil person" ? Matthew 5:38 +

  7. You are right but what do you expect from these so called Christians who have a cross when their very own bible warns against idols .

  8. Anyone who worships George Bush is a bigger idiot than he is.

  9. I was ready to call you an idiot, until I watched the vid.

    That's scary.

  10. They we're blessing a cardboard for petesake LMAO

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