
Christians of all faiths..Explain what the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven means to you?

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Christians of all faiths..Explain what the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven means to you?




  1. Righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit

  2. It means nothing, all religions are man made to control other men. There is no evidence that any deity (god or gods) ever existed.  

  3. Being with God means the world to me. The Kingdom of Heaven is a place where I will go when I die. I pledge to live a christian life, and not have s*x till i am married. i was raised up christian, and when i have kids of my own, they will be too!! GOD=FOREVER LOVE AND LIFE!!

  4. God promises us lots of donuts and fluffy white clouds of golden light if we believe in him, and says go burn in endless fire forever if you don't. What a nice guy!

  5. This is going to sound odd but here goes, since i was about 3 or 4 years old i have always thought of my body as a vehicle and the real me lives inside of it, i cannot remember who i really am but when i am done with this vehicle i will take my knowledge and wisdom with me from this life and i will have my memory of and knowledge back and will wait for another vehicle

  6. By "Christians of all faiths" are you including the Buddhist Christians as well as the Satanic Christians?  Please think before you type.


  7. An eternal communion with God, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit

    vs. h**l which is an eternal separation from God

  8. eternal love and peace. eternal praise and worship.  

  9. to me it represents the gullibility of humans and how we can be made to believe anything. people believe in heaven and that it is a real place we can go when we die. well the ancient greeks had an even stronger belief about the underworld and for longer that christianity has existed. how can it all be proved or disproved? it cant! the bible? anyone can write a book and testify that it came to them in a vision and they just wrote it down. so you are just looking forward to a lot of disappointment.

  10. Jesus preached to repent because the Kingdom of Heaven was at at hand. He also said that generation would not pass until it happened. The church was started (book of Acts) on the day of Pentecost not long after Christ's resurrection.

    The Kingdom of God (Heaven) is all the members of His church who choose Jesus as their King and Lord.

  11. how controversial must you make this topic be...

    for me, as a christian, kingdom of god is the ultimately destination, a place where god's children are welcomed and laid down to rest in peace and love for eternity. this tangible and materialistic world is only a world measured through time. nothing can replace the joy and glory we'll find once we do enter heaven or god's realm.

    on a side note, my version of angels are all jessica alba replicas.  

  12. To me well I know for one the word Kingdom is another word for government or rulership...

    God's Kingdom(Government) is something that mankind could look forward to because of the great things his Kingdom can accomplish through Christ Jesus that no human can even try to do...

    When I think of the Kingdom of God I think very clearly the Model Prayer that Jesus gave to his disciples as an example prayer...

    Within that prayer he states "Let your Kingdom come let you WILL take place as in HEAVEN as well on EARTH"

    For a person with such glory and wisdom and power to say that he would have meant it...

    So I look forward when that becomes a reality and thus the words of Daniel 2:44 become fulfilled "And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite"....That's what it means to me and to all true Christians....

  13. I'm sorry, but that is a contradiction of terms.  I don't believe in such a fairy tale place.

  14. The Kingdom of God is in a believer's heart.  Not in a building or a law.  In this kingdom their is peace in the storm, and strength and courage beyond my own.  With it comes the desire to become better and more than I could within my own ability, and the provision to attain my potential in Christ.  And best of all, this kingdom brings healing of wounds inflicted and restoration to wholeness.  And the only way the kingdom comes is thru Jesus.  He leads it in and reigns over it.  All glory to King Jesus!

  15. Its exactly the same as atlantis.

  16. It means believing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in faith alone, in order to be saved and enter the Kingdom of heaven.

    The Gospel of Jesus Christ is this: The truth is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal h**l is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you are saved!

    Please pray now: "Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!" You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die. :)

  17. |Nothing. God doesnt exist.  

  18. For me, Heaven would just be the good place where we all get to be ourselves and all the jealousy and pettiness just melts away.

  19. truthfully speaking, it's all about discipleship or following christ and that's about it.  islam and judaism are abrahamic religions as well.  Just don't get too carried away, pretty much Christ was a saint, and that's it. Love thy neighbor as yourself, and do unto others, etc. judge not, etc. basically being a Christian is being a follower of christ and the first two statements, love thy neighbor, and do unto others, those were his mantra.  so don't let it get too complicated.

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