
Christians only, please: What is the real reason that the Atheists what to take God out of our schools?

by  |  earlier

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Do you think that there might be a Satanic conspiracy at work that has infiltrated the ranks of our government and our educational system?




  1. I think there's a conspiracy to make sure that goddamn facts are taught in schools and not sorcery.

    I don't care if your kid wants to pray in school. I don't find that offensive at all. Just don't ask me, or my kid, to join them.

  2. Go back under your bridge!  

  3. No, they know that evolution can be flawed, so taking out alternatives is a easy was to defend something that can be disproven.

  4. It must be that insidious First Amendment.

  5. Separation of Church and State.


  6. It's a conspiracy man!

    Keep your tinfoil hat on it prevents the government from accessing the chip in your brain!

  7. It's not just atheists; I'm Jewish, and I don't want YOUR God in my kid's school, that's certain.  

  8. your asking Christians what Atheist are thinking? what the h**l is wrong with you?



  10. Yes, there is a satanic conspiracy, I know that.  It's headed up by the ACLU.  They are atheists and they have money and they were working against Christians for 70 years I hear before Christians started to really do something about it.  Now the ACLU is a giant, a Goliath that is a hard thing to overcome and it looks as though overcoming will never happen.  The Church was asleep for far too long.

    One problem here we need to take into account is about the government giving money to the ACLU so they can destroy this nation.  However, the government is not giving money to faith-based organizations that have compassion and are doing everything to help the oppressed in this nation.  The liberals are responsible for this.

  11. Yes. I do believe that must be it. By the way my denomination is 'Ex'.

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