
Christians only: Would this be considered a sacrilege?A sin?

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I am a very creative person.I have really just been even more into art since taking art history and since I did art therapy to help me thru depression.

I really like this painting of Jesus Christ.Its called Christ as Pantokor.Its in my art history book.The only thing I don't like about this painting is that Jesus looks stern.He is holding a jeweled Bible and looking a little stern.

I want to get a purple Bible and then I want to glue small fake jewels on it.Would this be considered sacrilege?Is this a sin? I don't want to do anything to incur the wrath of God. I just think that the jeweled Bible in the painting was beautiful and I wanted to mimic that. I want to glue small fake jewels on my Bible.Is this wrong?




  1. The outside of a Bible is not the important part.

  2. There is nothing wrong with that at all! God loves bling - have you read the description of Heaven? :) And there are so many different covers, etc. for Bibles these days - go for it! God bless you!!!

  3. Swine.

  4. No it would not. But if your concerned of this and are artistically talented, how about making a cover for your Bible? Just remember that it is not what the outside looks like, but the content and the application of it to our lives.

    God bless. And please post a link when it's done.

  5. I would not consider this to be a sin, because Jesus looks on the heart.  Just in case, ask Him what He thinks.

    I agree with you about the stern look.  I don't see Jesus that way at all, I see Him smiling and laughing.

  6. MY CHILD:  CAN YOU HEAR ME?  LISTEN TO ME.  Do whatever the h**l you want. Whatever   Lerd you're a dweeb.

  7. No, it's OK to decorate your Bible.  What's inside the Bible is what matters.  You DO read it, don't you?

    : o )

  8. You should read that bible first. That would be the most important thing. In that bible it would tell you all about God, Jesus Christ, bible doctrine on sin, if we know what Jesus looked like, and most importantly - how to be saved by Christ.

    The age of Grace we are in is wonderful. There are no laws or rules against doing paintings or gluing jewels on your bible. It is all about the your heart and how that heart is concerning Jesus Christ and His teachings.

    If you are ready to follow Jesus, first join a bible believing church. I recommend a baptist church. The denomination is not the foundational issue. It is the bible that is foundational and the congregational group you attend is only important in how they teach and follow that bible. The church, as far as the building you attend on sundays, is not the true church. The true church is the body of believers in Christ, those that are saved by Christ. This is the true church and it spans many different denominations. There are just some denominations that are corrupt and will lead you astray from finding out what it means to be saved by Jesus Christ. That is why I would recommend a baptist church. They should stress to you, learning the bible. If any church does not make learning the bible #1 then leave that church. Now just learning for the sake of learning is not good, but it is all about Jesus Christ and the bible is God's word of truth on all of that so that is what to remember.

    It sounds like you are not saved by Jesus Christ, I would recommend you seek Jesus out. He promised if any seek Him they will find Him. If you find Him you can be saved. If you learn about Him in truth and worship Him in truth and spirit you will fall deeply in love with Him for all that He is. He is truly awsome. I would recommend that.  


    Have you seen the bibles that the monks did? If a monk did it to the inside, I'm sure that God wouldn't mind if you did it to the outside.  

  10. I don't think Jesus ever held a jeweled Bible, but I don't think He would mind if you put jewels on yours. It's what's inside that counts! Decorate away!

  11. Honestly I think God is pleased that you are even wondering. It is not a sin and definitely not a sacriledge to decorate your Bible. God looks at our hearts and our intentions not at the covers of the Bibles we carry. My baby girl has ripped pages from the Bible, I'm sure He doesn't mind, there was no ill intention:)

    Btw. it's called the Pantokrator, and because it is a byzantine icon it is more stern/serious looking (their icons do not try to look realistic).

  12. no

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