
Christians only: how do you get excited about God and attending church?

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my husband is having trouble getting excited about attending church. he loves God and was raised in the church. but he can't seem to get motivated enough to be happy about attending church (he says honestly he'd rather be playing video games - nothing against God). and when he does go, he's not really that excited about clapping with the music, singing along, etc... you know? he can't seem to "get into it" all. and he wants to know how he can change that about himself. he wants to be the religious head in our home but it's hard for him when he's not that excited about it all.




  1. I wish I knew how to help.  I deal with many people who are in the same boat with your husband.  I think the problem is our mindset and training.  For some reason, we think we must be entertained to feel good about an experience.  Video games are entertaining -- amusing even.  So are the sport shows on TV every Sunday.  Christian churches have a difficult time competing with such masterful entertainers.

    Honestly, each of us -- your husband included -- needs to evaluate what worship is about.  By using the term "audience" for those assembled in worship and designing our buildings with seating, stages, lighting, and sound we may inadvertently condone the idea that church is an entertainment environment.  Worship is God-centered.  God is the audience and each one in the assembly a participant or worshiper of God.  What we do in worship is to be pleasing to Him.  Our focus when assembled is to thank and praise God for what he has done and does for us in Christ.

    When we can get to that realization, I think we are driven to express our worship and praise on a regular basis.

  2. Reading the Bible always energises believers  :)   Reading the Bible gets us going as believers and makes us strong and hungry for more of Jesus and more excited about Jesus   :)

    Tell him to get on reading the Bible a lot.  

    Here's a website that teaches the meaning of every verse of every Book of the Bible:

    It's a very useful resource that can be used alongside the reading of the Bible whenever he wants.  :)

  3. I have a couple thoughts about this.

    First, a lot of the time, loving God and being a Christian is not about feelings. I don't feel like going to church some mornings, but I go because it honours God and I try to get as much out of the service as I can.

    Secondly, church is hard for guys. It is generally directed at women - softer music, emotional preaching - it's not the best way to reach a guy.

    I suggest getting involved at church. Doing something tangible and meaningful that you two will get as much out of it as you give. And try to find a Small Group Bible study - it is one of my favourite times of the week. It's like church, but more intimate and you can discuss openly and comfortably.

    I hope that helps. :0)

  4. For whatever reason, he isn't interested and if you care about him, you'll respect his own direction in the matter.  He says he "wants to change" because he doesn't want you to judge him or feel like you are disappointed with him.  Let him choose his own direction.  Maybe he doesn't believe or feels he can relate to "God" in his own way without a physical institution.  You can't force someone to enjoy something.

  5. It could be that he needs more exercise. Getting fitter helps boost enthusiasm for what's important to you.

    It's always possible, of course, that he's having a change of mind about his beliefs but doesn't feel he can admit it.

    Maybe, as well as encouraging him to exercise you should gently explain that if there's anything he needs to say, it's OK, and you'll respect whatever his views about religion are, and still love him.

    Encourage him to be honest with himself and those around him, by convincing him that he won't get negative reactions if he honestly no longer believes. Or that you'll help him sympathetically if he's having a crisis of faith.  

  6. check out and spend some time listening to Doug....

    Pastor Batchlor makes things clear and fun....

    we have always looked forward to Sabbath School, the get together and talking with everyone before the worship service....the pot luck and community interaction after is a big family get together!!

    and he would prefer playing video games?? plays on line very well and he can keep playing his video game while the program is talking.... Can't ignore Doug, he is just a great speaker of the word....

    of late we can not get to church due to on the job injury that just makes the sitting and walking around too difficult...the lazy boy or the bed with his TENS unit for pain...

    the internet, amazing facts has archives back to 2000 so we can watch for ever... or Bibles movies...

  7. Love is a choice it is not a feeling. We decide to love. Obedience is not a choice either it is a command. If you step out to do a thing because God commands it - He will create the desire for it. We love Him because He first loved us. But to just sit around and expect that He will "zap" us into obedience is not scriptural.  Our part is to love, trust, and obey. We don't do things just because we feel one way or another. We do what is right because it is the right thing to do. Your husbands focus needs to be on Christ. But he must choose to deny self and choose Christ first. God in the Holy Spirit will work in him then.

  8. 1.  Why is it important that you are excited about attending church?  We do many things that we are not excited about.  Most of us eat three meals a day without being excited about it.  Most of us go to work 5 times a week without getting excited about it.  Attending church doesn't have to be exciting.  It's not about us, it's about praising Him.

    2.  If you are trying to "get" excited about church then it's not real.  It's patronizing of God at best and hypocrisy at worst.

    Instead of trying to "get" excited about God, I would suggest trying to get to know God better by reading His Word.  He really is amazing.

  9. I think we all have this problem from time to time. Maybe he should try a different church. Sometimes we get so use to the same old thing it just becomes boring. Have him to pray and ask God what he would have you and he to do.

  10. I would suggest that the answer might lie in a pre-occupation with the outwardly visible and tangible input of our senses rather than the Kingdom's invisible headquarters in the brain. You can take someone to any outwardly lively place and they may find reasons to criticise or feel uninterested - what really awakens the interest of a Christian is connecting to a church meeting through developing a priority disposition towards the internal awareness of the mind and heart...

    In the invisible inner realm of the mind and heart we can discern the kingdom of God in other people and ourselves but we don't learn to appreciate it through mere scrutiny of the outer goings on in our vicinity (Lk 17:21)...

  11. Expectations...

    Those who want to "give God a try" will find that they will not enjoy the view. You or he must ask one's self where is my heart in all of this. If you go to church with the expectations of finding joy, you won't find it. If you go with complete humility and a desire to learn more about the God and focus less on one's self, you will be amazed at what God will do. It's all about the heart and attitude.

  12. It doesn't seem to me that it is something that your husband can change for himself (so to speak). It sounds to me that he needs the Holy Spirit to change him. Prayer and more prayer is what you can offer to your husband. Of course your husband has to be willing to change. The Lord will not MAKE him change, but the Lord will send the HS to change his mind and attitude about church/worship.

    I will say this...once I let the HS change me, I have had the most incredible peace. Not that every day is a basket of roses, but there is peace knowing that I have someone (God) on my side, to guide me to the things that are right and best for my life. If you let Him, he will be your "pilot" so to speak. And to me, that is comforting to let God be the decision maker - because he always does what is best for me.

    Hope this helps!

  13. It's easy getting excited about God, He is with me daily. Getting excited about church is another story altogether. I find it hard getting excited about church mainly because the ones around here are either dead or dying. There used to be a time when many of local churches followed closely what the New Testament church was like. Now falling back into the world, apathy and in some cases apostasy has taken hold and it's  hard to tell where the world leaves off and the church begins. Scripture predicted that this would happen. Obviously not all churches have been dealt this blow but the good ones are hard to find. It's quite easy to spot a good church as soon as you walk through the doors. You can immediately feel the Holy Spirit. The greeting of the people, the singing, and the sermon reflects His presents. It's not how much you clap and sway to the music, it's not how many times you raise your hands to God nor is it how many times the preacher walks up and down the stage screaming at the top of his lungs. Rather it is the lack of confusion and the presents of cohesion, the manner in which the worshipper approaches God. God is a holy and omnipotent God that deserves the proper respect. We worship Him out of fear, love and awe. To much of a circus atmosphere takes away this fear, awe, and respect. That's why I went to only one Pentecostal church in my life. The sensationalism totally disrupted the service and I didn't feel the Spirit present. On the other end of the spectrum you have church services that are meant for one thing, an hours long nap to ready ones self for the football game.


  14. I experienced same with him, what I did I collect reading materials with pictures and watch movies regarding Christianity,passion of the Christ, Story of John the baptist, David and Goliath,The great flood ,Moses with Israels. when I watch or read this, it inspired me to go to church,now I know what the pastor are telling us coz I have a pattern and knew already the theme, thats why my Imagination greatly increases and can adopt easilly what the pastor telling us.also you should get some inspiring songs from Don Moen well I love those songs especially "I offer my life." force him to read the bible also atleast 2 pages per day if he still lousy.any way bible has the power to heal some tired soul.

    Hope this will help your husband and inspired him to worship the lord.

    God Bless you and your family.

  15. He might not be saved... read over the first epistle of John together, it was written specifically for you to be able to test yourself to see if you are genuinely saved

    also, this is an AMAZING series on how to know if you are saved:

    Paul Washer also has a series on how to be the spiritual head of your home, so he might want to listen to that too

  16. Not everyone expresses their excitement about God the same.  My daughter is very demonstrative and she also expresses herself with clapping and singing.  I, on the other hand, do not.  I prefer to spend my time with God quietly, alone, in the stillness of morning.  That is when I read God's word, meditate on my daily devotional, praise God and Thank HIM for all the blessings in my life.  That jump starts my day and although I may not appear excited, in my heart I truly am.

    Your husband is not going to suddenly be transformed, but as long as he works on his personal relationship with God, looks for and witnesses God's answers to his prayers, his excitement will gradually grow and intensify.

  17. This is NOT a christian only forum  

  18. i was raised in a methodist church and as i grew older, i did not feel anything for the teachings and i felt i was getting nothing out of it. I met my wife in Romania and got introduced to the Holy Orthodox Church. It is the original church of Christ. It is catholic, but not Roman, it is pre denomination. Now i am so alive in Christ, it is unbelievable. This is TRULY the true church. There is no clapping, or music. We sing(chant) the prayers. it is like hearing angels praise God.

    Do yourself a favor and at least read up on the TRUE history of the church.

    I also have alot of information on my website, and i am available to answer any questions.

    here are some sermons i recorded

    May the spirit of the Lord guide you home.

    Glory to God for all things

  19. Sometimes that happens. Some people just have to find "the right Church" for them.  I switched Churches a few years back because my old one just wasn't doin it for me..i love the one i attend now.  It just depends on who you are.

  20. Perhaps he would like to try attending a different church.

  21. Usually I have much to say.  I read the responses, and most of them I strongly advise, but I get the impression, that he doubt the truthfulness of the Bible, whether or not it's historic account is really true.

    As for me, I found that the Bible is correct to the very letter.

    I was born intp a Christian home, raised Christian, converted and accepted Jesus at age 10, and I believed the Bible is true.  But it was only at age 25 that I got introduced to Creationism (the study of the scientific aspect of the Bible, like Genesis 1 Creation {WHICH IS NOT EVOLUTION}), anyway, it was only then, realising that God created the entire universe and all of it complexities in just 6 rotations of the earth, the more I studied Creationism, the more greater God became, so much so, that I found myself so humble as put myself back where I belong: just the creation of God, I am His possession, He can do with me what He wants...  And what did I found He did to me?  Love, He love me so much, inspite being sinfull, He call me His son...

    And all of this, just because God approached me through science, and now I glorify Him through science.

    Below are a few links to Creationism sites.  Know what part of science your husband loves, then search in that field, be it biology, psycology, physics, cosmology, anthropology, etc...  anything, search there, even you will be amazed to find how accurate the Bible litterally is.

    An example, of what research these organizations do: secular science claim that diamonds take 3'000'000 years to form, but diamonds were formarly coal, which were formarly plants, which are practically carbon. Then they stated a dating method called "radio metric carbon dating". This is radio active carbon (C-14), which has a half-life of approx 5730 years, and when a Mass Spectrometer Accellerator detects one single C-14 atom, then the upper limit for the sample is approx 100'000 years.  The team from ICR and CRS found lots of C-14 in ALL diamond samples.  This cause much doubt in secular science, because they say  it take 2'900'000 years longer for diamonds to form, that it is possibly old!  The entire evolution theory is scientifically proven to be a myth, a fairy tale for grownups/adults.

    Go look at these sites, perhapse your husband needs so convincing that the Bible it true to its very core


  22. I understand how you must feel.

    This is a tough position to be in.

    Here is my suggestion: Do not force him to go to church- but instead bring the gospel to him. Let Jesus be on your heart and mind always- so that the gospel of Christ will continually be on your lips and the glory of Christ will continually shine into his life.

    Your husband is obviously lost. He needs to be born again- for real, and this can only take place by the supernatural power of the Holy Ghost- (John 3) THROUGH THE PREACHING OF THE GOSPEL- (1 Peter 1:23, James 1:18)

    Please look those passages up- and realize that unless the gospel is continually preached to him- he does not stand a chance. And since he does not want to go to church- YOU NEED TO BE THE ONE TO PREACH THE GOSPEL TO HIM.

    Remember "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17)

    ***Whatever you do- do not seek a Church that is full of worldly entertainment- one that simply entertains lost people. These churches are compromising the gospel. Entertainment: singing, dancing, story-telling and joke-telling cannot save anyone.


    Pray for him- and continue to deliver the gospel message to him.

    Be relentless- because you are in a spiritual battle for his soul!

    Please take this advice- And I will be praying for you both!

  23. He needs to find his place in the church. He needs something to do for it that he enjoys and is passionate about. I bet that most people can relate to his lack of enthusiasm. If he likes video games, then maybe something that is technology-related, like helping with the PA setup? Or musically, playing in the worship band? If the church has a website then maybe you should get him involved in that.

    If there really isn't anything he feels passionate about doing, it's worth taking him to some sort of big-scale Christian event to really get him in touch with God. This for sure will get him at church every Sunday. If you live in the UK, events such as Soul Surviver, Revive, DTI, etc are great fun ones to look into. Just google it, you're sure to find something. If you live in the US, I wouldn't know, but I'd imagine the same sort of thing will be going on there. These places you can go and spend the day at or you can camp there and bring the family, there's kids groups and something for everyone. #

    Good luck! Or rather, may God help you through this.

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