
Christians other life on planets?

by Guest67070  |  earlier

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i was readin somethin and it got me to thinkin a christian said that god may have put life on other planets but that he would tell us about it........maybe were not gods favorite planet thats why its in such a bad shape maybe he dosent care about this planet or maybe he does care but hes too busy dealin with all the other planets maybe every planet gets help once like when jesus came idk..........i beleive in god......hope people got intresting views not the same old god is absoloute thing or never doubt god elaborate on what your sayin and open your mind to this possibility then answer




  1. For someone to think that out of this entire universe that we are the only intelligent life is asinine, arrogant and a little presumptuous.  

  2. That's a very interesting theory. The Bible doesn't say either way, and scientists haven't found anything, so I really don't know. It's certainly a possibility.

  3. I would think its very very very unlikely that there isn't life elsewhere in our universe with other beings believing in all sorts of local beliefs in God. But, Christianity was always good at assimilating other religions eg the 3 Brigids of pagan Ireland became 1x St. Brigid !

    The Mars lander...what if such a probe found bactetial life on Mars ??? Whose religion would suffer the most ? Islam, because they have no permission to rewrite it.They'd probably think the world had come to an end with such blasphemy

  4. I want to be an astronaut.  I think that God probably did create other life in the universe, but does it really matter, NOT REALLY.

  5. "Neither eye has seen nor ear has heard nor entered into the hearts of man the things prepared for those who love Him!"

  6. Yes there is life on other planets and it is guided by higher beings. LIFE IS ONE.

  7. Its like an episode of futurama i saw, if you do things right people well never notice so maybe gods presence is him giving us the air we breathe?

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