
Christians please help me! I'm in a terrible situation! I tried to defend the Atheists...?

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Me and my mom were talking about who she was going to vote for president..and then I told her that since Obama is pro-choice, it's still okay for her to vote for him (but my mom is pro-life/Catholic.) Then she said people who get abortions are sinning. But then I told her "Well what about the Atheists? They don't believe in God." Then she said "Well do YOU believe in God." And I didn't respond. Then she went to her room...turned on the Christian TV channel, and then like 10 minutes later, I went into her room, and she was crying in front of the cross, asking Jesus to save me.

What should I do? She's still crying...




  1. Whatever you do - don't respond to moral blackmail. That's the way religion tightens its grip. Be your own person and follow your own thoughts...not the thoughts of others who are trying to control you. |Stand up for yourself! Be yourself, Be true to yourself. Don't be a sheep. Lead and don't be led like a lamb to the slaughter.  

  2. Don't lose hope. God is listening to you and He really loves you. If you want to maybe you could talk to a youth leader or a pastor that you trust. Ask them to pray for you. God has never left you even when you feel so very far away.  

  3. Make the decision for your self. Are you Catholic, or not?

    Good luck!

  4. I went through this myself. Just give her time. Don't try to change who you are to make your mother happy. Be who you are, and just give her time to get used to it. My mother tried all sorts of things on me. She cried, she insulted, she ranted, she bribed, she guilt tripped. Now, we get along just fine.

    Your mom will simply have to accept who you are. She'd be a poor mother if she held it against you all her life.

  5. I was a Christian for pretty much all of the last ten years but rationality got in the way of my irrational faith.  Just look at it objectively.  Lay all the facts out on the table.  Is there more proof that there is a god or isnt?  I'm sure it won't be that hard to see which answer is truth.

  6. This is #108 on the list of why Christianity is harmful. You and your mother are suffering needlessly.

  7., my friend.

  8. My mom got very emotional when she asked me this question too.  It was very ugly, even though I tried to answer kindly.

    This won't ruin your relationship.  Just give her a little time and don't give into emotional blackmail.  Remind your mom that you love her.  She may need a lot of reassurance.  But "love" isn't tied to "what you believe" and she can't use her emotions for force you into a belief system.  THAT isn't love.

    Take the high road.  In this case, you may be more mature than your mom.  Try to love her in spite of her emotions here.  

  9. Follow your own path. If your mother doesn't like it, well sucks for her. She cannot control that part of your life anymore than she can control what you like or dislike. If you still want to be Catholic then so be it, atheist, then cool, want to be in some obscure druid faith then that's awesome. If it makes you happy and if it makes sense to you, then your mother should be happy for you, not praying to her deity to change you back. Trust me, I have the same experience for a LOT longer time than you have.

  10. Wow. that's harsh. If you are completely atheist, then just tell her that you're an agnostic.(Agnostic means that you don't know if god's real or not.) or lie if you want... But maybe you should tell her that you believe if she's really that torn up.

  11. You seem to be in quite a bad situation, but remember, there is a God and he loves you.

    May I ask what caused you to loose faith? Maybe your way of finding God is right in front of you, and you don't notice it.

    God Bless.

    ~Follower of Jesus Christ Almighty

  12. By what you tell, you are still a believer, maybe more so than others who pretend never ever doubting. If you are looking for God, you've already found Him. He will help you find your Catholic roots again, renewed and enhanced.

    Your faith is enough, as was that of the father of the epileptic boy who came to Jesus for help:

    Gospel according to Matthew, chapter 9

    23 And Jesus said to him, " 'If You can?' All things are possible to him who believes."

    24 Immediately the boy's father cried out and said, "I do believe; help my unbelief."

  13. Your mother has some issues. But, hey, who doesn't?

    I suggest going and giving her a big hug. As for your additional details, of course you haven't gotten a response. There's nobody to get a response from. I suppose you're coming to your senses.

  14. If that is the worst thing you ever done - she should thank her lucky stars - you sound like a nice kid!  

  15. This might help .

  16. You can't let your mother's beliefs guilt you into something you just don't feel.  She's her own person and so are you.  Guilt is a HUGE reason people are reluctant to change their views, and it shouldn't have to be this way.  Talk to your mom, tell her you're not doing anything wrong.  All you're doing is asking your own questions.  If your mother thinks education and learning is wrong according to her faith, then perhaps you should consider something is wrong with that faith.  How can knowledge be wrong??

  17. You need to pray about it. Read the Bible. I recommend Luke, Acts and the Hebrews

    God is real no matter what you believe. Ask Him to come to your life and in mean time attend the church where you can love worshiping God

    Remember, a life starts at the conception. Murder is a murder even if all people do not agree. Atheists do not have to believe in God to understand that we need to protect these unborn innocent babies. The womb of the mother should not be so dangerous place for an unborn baby!

  18. There comes a time when we all stare reality in the face; some of us deal with it and accept responsibility for our own lives; some people are needy and weak and need the 'help' of invisible sky critters.

    The whole invisible-sky-critter scam is childish nonsense not too dissimilar to bogeymen under the bed; it was invented as a management tool to scare and or control peasants and small children.

    Seneca: Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.


  19. Trust me, you're going to make up your mind about God, religion, faith, etc... at least five more times before you settle on anything.

    Yes, I believe God exists, and I also know that He's not all that worked up or upset that you are looking for your own faith; your own light to share with the world.

    I trust you will find it in your time and in your own way.

    If you can just hug your mom and tell her you'll be fine even if you do not agree with her.    


  20. trying to force yourself isnt believing at all, its nothing but a charade.  

  21. Your mom is being a mom. That u asked for help here makes me think u are ot as far gone as maybe your mom thinks. The Father uses/sends answers by way of people as well or symbols. Be sure that u r paying close attention.

  22. I would let it pass, she'll come to accept your choices.

    Regarding politics, abortion isn't a main issue for me.

    I have better things to worry about such as the price of my property taxes,  gas, education, foreign policy... I am pro-choice for others, for myself I do choose never to abort, again I don't think it's as big of an issue to the larger picture here. (Republican).

  23. Holy mackerel.

    This is so funny.

  24. Keep praying. God will answer. Be sure to read the bible. That is where He will answer you. Start with John. Learn who Jesus is and why it matters. If you are honestly seeking God, he will show Himself to you.

    What is and isn't a sin is irrelevant until you know Jesus. Once you know Him and commit yourself to Him, He will show you the way.

    Also, surrounding yourself with believers is very helpful. Believers are to be there for one another to strengthen each other.

  25. Have you ever read Dark Night of the Soul?  Or have you read anything by St Therese the Little Flower, or any of Blessed Mother Theresa's writings, or even viewed her videos (they are on Youtube).  It sounds like you are going through a very dry spell.  And it is hard to remain faithful, when you can't feel God.  He's there, but He wants to know that you won't give up on Him.  He hasn't given up on you.


    BTW, try saying a rosary with your mom, who knows what will happen.  If anything, it will calm her down some.

  26. I have an Idea tell your mom to seek help at the same time you should pick up the bible (not being ignorant)

  27. No offense but you sound horribly confused. You said that because Obama "is pro-choice, it's still okay for her to vote for him (but my mom is pro-life/Catholic.)"?!? That makes no sense whatsoever. Then you ask, "what about the Atheists? They don't believe in God" as if belief in God has anything to do with sin.

    I can understand your lack of faith -- as near as I can tell you didn't understand what you professed to believe anyway.  

  28. Now would be a very good time to have a talk with your mother. Tell her how you feel - just as you've told us - and assure her that you are still seeking. If I were your mother, I would be comforted by this.

    Now go!

  29. You may want to read Pope Benedict XVI's Encyclical Letter "Saved Through Hope" (Spe salvi).

    For a reading from a Protestant Christian view, try Karl Barth

  30. Leave her be. She still loves you she is just shocked and concerned.

  31. First of all sin is sin. Just because a person doesn't believe in God doesn't mean the wrong things they do aren't sins. It just means they do not acknowledge sin or God. A person may not believe in gravity, but that doesn't mean they can avoid the effects of it. Same goes for sin.

    As far as your own faith goes, keep praying. God tells us "seek and you will find" but be sure that you are truly looking for the truth and not hiding from it.  

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