
Christians please??????????

by Guest59838  |  earlier

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how do u feel about obama...honestly, just wondering




  1. Just another sold-out politician that has the gift of gab.

  2. i think that he is one to watch... lots of interesting things about this guy... wonder if he has had the chat yet? or if he even realizes he is being lined up for the job?

  3. When it comes to religion, I dont think he is being true to himself and he is just telling people what they want to hear.

  4. I like him, but I am in Canada.

  5. I have no idea.  I just want a diverse president or vp this year and america will have one either way i vote so  i really dont care.

  6. I do not like obama and its not cuz im a christian he just gives me the creeps. There is something not right about him. That is why I will not vote for obama. Honestly I do not like McCain either but he is the lesser of the 2 evils so that is why I am voteing for him

  7. i think obama is a well educated politican,who has too many worldly beliefs for me.

  8. "we do need a black president".

    I so hope that won't be the most important reason you have to vote for the man.

    Personally, I find it disheartening that religion should play a part in the election at all. The USA is not Iran.

  9. Our enemies want him to be our president.  

  10. Rather him than Mccain though I would've chosen Hillary

  11. i dont really like him... hes for abortion...

  12. I really am fence sitting with him. I am a moderate, but feel he is a bit too far left for me (especially on abortion, g*y marriage, foreign policy) and I am afraid he is going to raise taxes like crazy and very few people are going to benefit from that. On the other hand, I am not too impressed with McCain either.  

    Like someone mentioned earlier, let God be the judge. I trust that whoever is elected as president, that is the person God has choosen to run our country for the next 4 years, for better or worse.   BTW, I am have been living in Japan for the past 10 years...and we don't even have a prime minister right now! Things could be worse I guess!!!  Sigh...

  13. Obama is very good at giving speeches but we are at war now and if we just leave as the democrats want, we lose, the world loses and terrorists win.  McCain has the will to win this battle.  He didn't put us in this war but he does know how to win it.  Muslim extremists are destroying the world of muslims and want to kill all Christians.  We as Christians need to understand that they do want to destroy all Christians and rule the world.  Do you want Obama in power, when the extremists want him in power?  You need to ask yourself, Why?  Anyhow, I look at McCain and see a man with Honor and commitment to service with the knowledge of years of service in Washington.  He has crossed the isle several times and brought both parties together.

    McCain has my vote!!  

  14. The same way I feel about all presidential candidates. It matters little who wins because we don't elect them. It's all a dog and pony show. They are chosen by the people who own this country. And they fill a post called President of the United States much like the president of General Motors or IBM. It's a corporation. Says so right in the United States Code. Ever wonder why he's never called president of the United States of America? That's because there is no president of the United States of America.

  15. I am first a Christian ,I want Jesus Christ to rule this earth not men.But since we are stuck with men for now I can only say a politician is a politician you don't know until they are in office what they will do.I don't trust any of them.The only thing is about this election is that look at the economy poor retired people are in their declining years  loosing their homes because they cannot afford to pay the tax and the insurance is this pitiful.Some cannot pay their Dr and Medication  and buy food and some cannot afford their cars and gas anymore.Rents are sky high and food is  and so is heat and cooling .They are this administration selling America down they drain.We are the wealthiest Nation but people have no health care ,they are loosing their homes and jobs are scarce because the little guy is being shoved out and closed up because he cannot compete with the Big guys and if we put another tycoon in the white house we will go under unless we are rich .I have never seen our nations economy in such a disaster .Lets take care of business on the home front Why cannot parents buy their children school supplies and a new outfit and warm jacket for school?Why do they need donations?Think about it ? .Why are people homeless lets help these people and the government is filthy rich and all their business partners are also .Do you want things better or worse. Obama cannot be worse then what we have can he?He has children whom he loves and a wife that he cares for I think a man with small children who wants them to see and enjoy their future is probably better then an older man who will have health issues and whose family is grown.I am 65 and I have watched men age 10 years while in the office of president that would make Mc Cain like 82 in 4 years.Will his age withstand the stress of the office and the war and economy problems ?I would seriously ask" Do I want his running mate to be president"? because that could very well happen.Check her out and see if she has the experience that everyone says Obama lacks . What is her military experience?Because she will take over if McCain cannot handle this physically.There's allot of questians and issues .We all need to weigh them CAREFULLY (caps for emphisis only)All this junk going around about Obama How gullible can the American public be ?He is Muslim ,He is anti-Christ Bla Bla Bla What are these afraid of that he is black? Thats it . Because they have agendas.  Please attatch your brain if they check out people to become FBI or CIA don't you think they do for becoming the president?I choose Jesus Christ he would be the perfect leader.But we cannot get him to run until Gods kingdom rules until then we will have task masters and some just might be a little better then another.  

  16. hees a islam h**l blow up amerika

  17. I think he's underskilled. I think that he's going to be bad for the country. He's going to tax us even more and worsen the economy. He's two-faced and is hiding his past. Even him claiming he'll be the first "black" president would be by actual skin color only. Technically by blood, Abraham Lincoln was more black than Obama. It's all about "How can I look best to get elected?"

    If he gets elected, I think we're in for more than a recession in this country. We may hit depression status.

  18. let God be the judge

  19. As a person, I love him.  As a politician, I don't.

  20. I think he is fake and he is for abortions and junk! so I'm Going for Mccain :-)


  21. Better than any of the alternatives

    I'm voting for him

  22. the questions is a paradox correct?

    Christians let the lord judge.

  23. I think if he gets in office the World not only the Country will be in trouble, I have my reasons and if you read the Bible you will have yours also.

    Hope this Helped   God bless

  24. My dad says he doesn't trust him. I would vote for John McCain as Pastor John Hagee supports him and Pastor Hagee is a wonder full teacher and servant of God.

  25. I dont consider him a religious issue.

  26. I do believe Obama will bring about something better for the American Society.

  27. I think he's better than McCain. And, yes, I live in Arizona. Our own Governor doesn't like him and she been credited as being one of the best governors in the United States.

  28. I think that he WILL do good for our country, I just wish that he didnt make all of these promises. Chances are that he says all of this now, but when its time to put it in effect, nothing will be done. Thats my opinion. I like him ALOT more than "War Monger McCain" so thats a plus.  

  29. That he's satan's best friend. If our country votes him as President, I know it will be completely regretted.  

  30. He's not a Christian, because he rejects the truth that Jesus is the ONLY WAY to heaven.

    Also, Obama is in favor of abortion, and infanticide (because he tried to pass a law in Illinois that a baby born alive should be left to die if the baby survived an abortion attempt.  That is sick, and of course abortion is murder).

  31. When I heard his speech, I considered it logically. He used the model many preachers use.

    He identified with just about every group you can think of...

    He snagged their emotions, not unlike some preachers...

    Therefore an emotional "hook"...

    But in the end, he has STILL not revealed exactly HOW he would "change" (what) to answer all the problems he mentioned.

    He named EVERY type of group that has a gripe or complaint, puts himself across as being the answer.


    Change the Constitution? That's a huge no no.

    I am very leery of those that appeal to the emotions alone, without clear logical facts presented.

    One MUST use their mind, and make their decision based on facts, never mere emotion.

    BTW, he recently mentioned in a speech that he would campaign in all 57 states...slip of the tongue? There are 57 ISLAMIC states. So what gives?

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