
Christians spiritually speaking,?

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do you believe in aliens? why?




  1. There might be...

    but if there are, they also are under the hand of the sovereign God.

  2. we cannot rule out the possibility. at the same time we r free to believe what we like,God's given is the free will to believe or not to believe..but u may or may not find the answer to the question we have been seeking for a long's all in God's hands.

  3. I have an opinion that Satan will use any tactic he can to divert peoples attention from the truth.

  4. from my experience, there are enough freaks roaming the earth to worry about. if aliens maybe they'd be nicer people,

  5. Spiritually speaking, I used to be an alien:-

    Eph:2:12: That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:

  6. No I don't believe in aliens but the Bible says that "demons" have the ability to imitate others...quite possibly aliens.

  7. hey, there are cats wearing limes on their heads, why not aliens?

  8. It's a possibility..

  9. No. People who do believe need to get a life.

  10. I believe God could have put life on other planets

  11. i believe anything is possible... because through God, anything thing can happen...  or be...

  12. No. If you take the prevailing probably of life appearing in the universe and the amount of the universe that we have explored, it is estimated that we should have found over 10,000,000 planets just like ours. Yet, this is not the case.

  13. Why not?  If God created us, who's to say that He didn't create other living beings in other parts of the universe?  We have not even begun to explore for life forms beyond our own solar system.  

    Who know??!!  

    Me, I always loved the thought of a parallel universe existing in a different plane.  

  14. surely if christian's believe god created all  , than they would also believe he created Aliens.. no?

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