
Christians...this is a question for you regarding dating?

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This is for Christians

When you date, one of the first things you look it to see whether your partner or the person you like is Christian or not?




  1. It won't bother me when I start dating, but if they try to push their religion on me, then that's a turn off.

  2. i am a Christian. and no, its not the first thing that i look for. however, i would ask about how they feel about God, and what they believe. because i wouldnt be able to be with a man who did not share my beliefs.

  3. Its not that the other person shares my religion, but my core values, like waiting until marriage, being pro-life, and being on the same page as me in other important issues.  I can't be best friends with someone who I don't agree with about important things, and I could never marry someone who wasn't also my best friend.

  4. for me, yes, because it's a big part of my life. i want to be able to do christian things with my future bf/husband and share that special connection.  :)

  5. Apparently not all of them. I'm Athiest and I've dated Christians. But I know that that's really important to some people whos religion plays a large role in their lifestyle.

  6. I am a Christian, and personally I couldn't care less if a person followed the same religion as me. Then again, I'm not really religious or anything, it could be that way with some people, depending on how religious they are.  

  7. I suppose that is something you should look for, but quite honestly I don't know that it is something that I have looked for. My boyfriend now is Catholic.  

  8. For me as of right now it's just a matter of if I like the person. I'm not worried about religion because I know I'm not going to marry that person.

    For the most part, most of the guys that I like/vice versa are my religion anyway, so it doesn't matter.  

  9. I'm Christian but I don't attend church or things like that. I don't look at that first, but I don't think I'd be comfortable being in a long term relationship with an atheist though because I do feel strongly about my beliefs. I dated an atheist for about 3 months and it was just constant fights between us over our beliefs because he would say inconsiderate things about my religion or I'd say something involving religion and he'd get mad.

  10. Not necesarily... that's a bonus, but it's who the person is inside. But I wouldn't date someone who is totally against God to the point where they don't even want me going to church or who would make fun about what I believe. But it's not necesarily what I look for.

  11. No, it's not what I look for first. I personally look for the person's personality, and how they treat other people.

  12. If you are looking for a serious relationship, then it should be.  

  13. My family is Catholic but I'm not religious, I celebrate Christmas and Easter with the family and sing in church choir but I haven't confirmed and I'm not planning on it.

    I don't really care what religion the guy is as long as he's not like outspokenly Atheist. I don't talk about religion with my boyfriends usually (there was one exception).

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