
Christians: what has the Lord done for you lately?

by Guest61897  |  earlier

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Just curious....He is constantly blessing me time and time again, but I thought I'd ask because I love to hear how He is working in others' lives too. I never get tired of hearing testamonies!

Thanks & God bless :)




  1. Very very much, He is very good to me and very Gracious daily, His blessings follow me and overtake me daily more than abundantly so that there is not enough room to recieve it all.

  2. He has truly blessed me with five children and a big family. I am blessed to be able to know and worship God. He has seen me through bad decisions, forgiven me for my stupid choices and comforted me when He took my 20 month old son home to be with Him. It took years for me to accept the comfort, but I am now grateful that he doesn't give up on me!

    The real question is....

    What have you done for God today??

  3. God delivered me from drug and alcohol addiction that tormented me for over 27 years. The prayers of my ancestors were heard by the Father, and His grace and mercy brought me out of the very pits of h**l. I am now a Blood bought,Bible thumpin, tongue talking, Holy Ghost dancing, child of the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Satan is under my feet!!!! I have overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony. My family has been restored, I'm out of prison, going to a Word based church, and never miss an opportunity to say " Look what the Lord has done!!!!!!!!!!!!! "

  4. Healed my wife.  She had a slight fever and muscle aches.  Both were gone after the prayer line.

  5. he made me evolve into a walking, talking holy t**d.


  6. Well I have my kids who I get to see, I have friends, a roof over my head, and food to eat, along with clean clothes to wear.  Then I'm really spoiled by being able to get online whenever I want, watch tv or listen to music, stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter, and I've got things that I have no need for, but want to have.  But most of all, I have a peace and happiness that comes from Him, and from my love for Him


  7. ALOT

    yesterday I prayed to get some more money, because I didn't really have much...And today I got a call from a really distant relative saying I will get 1,500 dollars in the mail tommorow!

    I also prayed for me to help others..I got an offer also to donate blood, so I'm doing that.Then last week I prayed for time to get easier at school, so I already got into an honors class and they are already made me fill out scholarship applications.

    And I pray for angels to wake me up and let me go to highschool on time in the morning...everytime my alarm clock doesn't go off, i feel like someone actually pushes me awake and says something like "time now" either before the time or after..i promise you, honest

    And did i mention that I found a 20 dollar bill on the ground TODAY????

    it goes on and on and on...

  8. Not a Gawd-Damned thing!

    But that's nothing new.

  9. he helped my nanny and grampa get better,

    he keeps my family safe and healthy,

    and he helps me keep a positive view on life no matter how hard things get for me (and they havent been too hard yet)

  10. he has been helping me to keep the faith and not to give up

  11. Through prayer he sets me free from sin. (Impure desires have no power anymore)

    He provides help when it seems impossible. (Found $300)

    Makes even bad events turn out for the better. (Wife divorced me - but I found God because of this)

    He protects me. (People who try to harm me - something bad usually happens to them soon afterward, even though I wasn't praying for it to happen)

  12. He wakes me up every morning for a chance to live my dream. He keeps me safe and blesses me and protects me.

  13. He turned me into an atheist. =)

  14. He gave me a vacation I didnt have to pay for

    Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!!!!

  15. He mowed my lawn and made me some great blueberry pancakes, just the way I like 'em. PBUH!

  16. i got another day = ]


  18. nothing

    everything i've got and done is because of my own hard-work and determination

    EDIT:The last thing i need is some god botherer praying for don't bother

  19. God has shown me what the body of Christ means.  Not through a church but through two people who are my brother and my sister in Christ.  God really spoke through them to get to me and I heard it loud and clear because there was no way they could have known.  It taught me God sees me....for real.

  20. he does great things all the time in everybody's life. my top 3 are:

    1) he gave me life

    2)he loves me and everybody else unconditionally

    3)he gives everybody and myself the chance of eternal happiness with him in heaven someday

  21. P E A C E, IN MY LIFE, DAILY!  

    Surrounds me with angels and protects me from danger.  

    God be glorified!

  22. skitzophrenic...

  23. my son passed away august 13 and the Lord has helped me to cope . Without His love i would not be able to handle this. my son was only 37years old.

  24. Well He made the impossible - possible and I am going to college to be a certified Heating and Air-Conditioning Technician. Praise Jesus.

    He is always there. He never leaves nor forsakes me. He does not interfere with my life so I am able to make my own choices and decisions but He will step in when the chips are down, always has always will. He is absolutely totally AWESOME !!!

    Take care and may God bless you spiritually.

  25. He has let me live to serve Him another day.

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