
Christians when you read your bible do you?

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Christians when you open your bible do use critical thinking when you read those words? If you do then why are you still a Christian?




  1. LOL, I do not ever critique the  Bible. I have to study sometime to figure out the meaning of a passage, but never critisize

  2. Of course I use critical thinking... most of my fellow Christians do. But, after some point, one has to think, " I wouldn't be able to think critically or even read this Bible had God not made me!" This is one of the many, many wonderful reasons why I choose to be a Christian. God Bless!

  3. bcoz I had a revelation of Christ and when I read the Bible it comes alive to me, it's not just words but substance that I eat and root myself in and Yes, it makes sense bcoz it is not I who gives myself the understanding but the Spirit of God who is all knowing and Wise!!! yiipppeeee!!!

  4. Unlike some Christians and some non-Christians, I can critically engage the different types of writing that are collected in the Bible, and not insist on answers.

    I can be open-minded enough to recognize the Bible for what it is, and what it isn't, and accept that some questions just don't have answers.

    And I can still remain a follower of Jesus.

  5. Jesus can do anything, Like he healed the sick, blessed people like always even though it could just be waking up in the morning.

  6. i am having a lot of christian friends.  They read Bible while prayers and also while worshipping.  The Bible is a holy book.  The Bible was prepared by the elders getting the details from the God.  All christians know this.  Hence, there will no critical thinkings when the holy book was reading.  The christians have faith, belief and trust and hence, they won't care any words.  The hunter's eye will be only on the bird to arrow and not in the branches of the tree or leaves or anything.  Faith and belief makes one to trust. when we have trust, there will be no doubt.

  7. Did you have a specific question about the Bible?  Have you ever read "those words" yourself?

    To answer your question, I do read the Bible with a critical eye.  It's good to ask questions while you read, but it's also good to keep an open mind about the Bible and not assume that it must be wrong when we don't understand it.

  8. There's real power in God's word.  It is a living thing.  I don't listen critically to my Creator and my Redeemer.  I just listen.

  9. Hey, are you trying to say the story with the talking donkey was NOT an historical event?

    Why would they lie? That actually happend.


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