
Christians who really know their Bible well this is for you?

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How specific of a prayer is biblical? I know that praying "God's will be done." is the usual answer on how to pray, for those times when we don't know the best thing. But is a very specific prayer ever the right thing to do? Is it ever the wrong thing to do? Are their bible examples to support your view?




  1. I think the "model" prayer is a guide we should use when addressing GOd in prayer but we should not recite the same thing over and over again I don't think even God would want to listen to that. The most important thing is toi be true in your heart with your prayers God knows what you mean and what you are trying to do. If you are not seeking glory for yourself or approval for sinnning then He will accept your prayers.

  2. If there is a god it knows what you want before you do, so keep your prayers short (mat 6)

    Remember that the next time you are saying grace, your guests will thank you.

  3. >> How specific of a prayer is biblical?

            First off, I'll point out that recited prayers (such as the "Hail Mary's" or "Now I lay me down to sleep...") are never acceptable for anyone over the age of, say, six years old.  Jesus never intended that "The Lord's Prayer" ever be recited as your own prayer.  His intention was to give a *model* or *example* of a prayer -- which you then follow the model (which includes: a greeting, praise, thanksgiving, requests, acknowledgments, and a salutation), but in your own words.

    Mat. 6:7  But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen [do]: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

            Second, never assume that, just because God knows all, He does not also want you to ask:

    James 4:2  Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.

            Third, when you ask, always ask according to God's Will.  If you are truly surrendering to God, then your desires will become in line with God's Will and you'll stop asking for selfish things -- such as the one asking for a Ferrari above:

    James 4:3  Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume [it] upon your lusts.

            Finally, remember that Jesus is supposed to be your Friend.  Talk to Him as you would your closest friend.  Tell Him everything that you would tell your closest friend -- and, yet, more (the private, personal things).  Remember to spend at least as much time with Him as you would spend with your closest friend.

            As for me, personally...  I get very specific in my prayers.  I name names and describe exact circumstances.  I tell Him exactly how I felt and how I'd rather feel.  What it boils down to is that, when I pray, I think of God as being Someone whom cares enough to really and actually listen to me -- unlike my wife.   ;-)    Thus, I feel comfortable telling Him everything that is on my mind -- and in explicit detail.

    God bless.

  4. I can't give you scriptures off the top of my head.  You are given a Model Prayer in the Gospels.  But if you read the rest of the scriptures, you'll see a lot of prayers as people talked or prayed to God.  

    God knows what's best for you.  Being specific can certainly help you to focus on what it is that you feel that you need.  Because you can pray all you want but you need to behave in accordance with your request.  

    Sometimes you can feel so helpless that you don't know what to pray for, so you cry your ugly cry while you pray but God still knows what you need.

    Be as specific as you want.  God will answer your prayer.  Be prepared that sometimes His answer will be "NO!"  Whatever it is that we are granted, it will always be in accordance to His Will for us.

  5. Matthew records a model prayer that Jesus taught His disciples in chapter 6 verse 9  After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.  :10  Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.  :11  Give us this day our daily bread.  :12  And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.  :13  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.



  6. The model is the "Our Father".  You should look into books that define the significance of each sentence.

    Take a look at Jesus' other prayers in the Bible.

    His prayers were/are perfect.

  7. When Jesus taught the disciples to pray he gave them a very specific prayer that would never be wrong or right to do.  

    The only time it could be "wrong" to do a specific prayer is if a person's attitude or heart is not right.  

  8. Jesus gave us the example of prayer. The Lords prayer. This prayer is all according to God's will. Any other prayer can stem from our own selfish will. God's will, will be done, in any prayer. If we can understand that if our prayers do not come about, because of God's will, and we accept His will, then there is no wrong way of praying. Keep in mind that if we ask for worldly goods, such as riches, cars, etc., we are selfishly praying.  

  9. there's no specific condition or term for prayer.  a child prays the way she or he knows;  a nonchristian prays; an ignorant person prays ; we've to praise the Father&ask for mercy&forgiveness; then our requests for others- those who r in need or those who r suffering;then we pray for our friends&our family members including us  

  10. God knows when i have a specific wish -- like, don't let my uncle die.  Sometimes i go on and say it (i mean, PRAY it), but i always keep in mind that God/dess could intend something just the opposite, and i submit to God's will, whatever it may be.

    Sometimes i just ask Goddess for the best blessing, with no opinion on what that may be.

  11. NO! God does NOT want us reciting prayers. I did that as a kid in the rc church, didn't even know what they meant so what good were they? Jesus says to pray like so...Our Father, who art in heaven...that was just an example to us to  'speak from our heart' to God.Just talk to God like He is your best friend, tell Him what is on your mind. He don't want recited prayers, they mean next to nothing.God hates chanting, and repetitious prayer is borderline chanting in my opinion. It's not right, and I quit doing that years ago. I am much closer to God since I left the church and learned the bible on my own :)

  12. Specific prayers are fine as long as you're willing for God to answer the prayer his way or to say no to it if it's not his will for you.

  13. John 15:7

    "But if you stay joined to me and my words remain in you, you may ask any request you like, and it will be granted!"

    I'd like a new Ferrari.  THANK YOU JEBUS!  Oh yeah, can it be a red Ferrari F430 Scuderia?  Thanks Jebus!

  14. Here are some notes on prayer and a link to it.  I also give you a sample of my own prayer.  God Bless.

    Why Should We Pray – For what do we pray?

    Prayer is the key to the heart of God. Prayer is the only way to a real and personal relationship with God.

        * Pray acknowledging He is God, and that you accept His gracious gift, Jesus Christ, as your Lord and Savior (Genesis 17:1, Romans 6:16-18).

        * Pray confessing our sins and accepting His forgiveness (Romans 3:23-26).

        * Pray that His will be done in our lives, that His Holy Spirit guide us, and that we be filled with the fullness of all God has for us.

        * Pray for (spiritual) understanding and wisdom (Proverbs 2:6-8, 3:5).

        * Pray with thanksgiving for all the ways He blesses us (Philippians 4:6. Pray when we are ill, lonely, going through trials or interceding for others (James 5:14-16, 2 Corinthians 12:9-10).

        * Pray to worship Him (Psalm 95:6-7).

    There is nothing we can’t pray about. There are abundant references to prayer in the Bible. The Bible tells us to “pray without ceasing” and “in everything give thanks to the Lord.” When we choose to have a positive attitude, we realize we have received many blessings for which to give God praise.

    Here is an example of how I pray.

    Father I praise you and I thank you for being present in my life at all times leading me and guiding me.  You are the creator who can move mountains and hold the oceans of all the earth in the palm of your hands.  Yet Abba Father you can make yourself know to me in such a way that you hold me and nurture me in my troubled times.  I am so thankful Lord for the many wonders of the world and for the beautiful things you have provided me with, especially my family.  Thank you for salvation.  Thank you for friends and father thank you for the trials in life that help me to grow physically and spiritually.  Father I try to walk in alignment with your spirit and I ask for you help when I stray.  Father you know that I have sin in my life and Lord you know that I have a heart for change.  Keep me focused on you, that I might stay away from temptations.  Father I pray for my friend who are ill and I pray for the salvation of everyone I meet.  Help me to show Christ in all I say and do.  Father I have some needs and some wants.  You know my mind and I do not need to say them out loud.  I thank you for your will and your plans in meeting these needs and wants and for challenging me.  Father I pray for the leaders of all the countries in the world, that they might come to know Christ.  I pray for the leaders in my church and community too.  Father I praise you I worship you and I try and wish to glorify thee in all I say and do.


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