
Christians; why do many Christians get born again & sealed by the Holy Spirit, but not filled with the Holy..?

by  |  earlier

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2. So we have too many baby Christians who haven't received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost?

3. Do you think that is why so many Christians don't have the victory in their lives?

God promises us the gifts of the Holy Ghost that come with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit & fire. And they are so important today. Like how to pray to God in the Spirit or discernment of spiritual or discernment of truth & error or prophetic gifts or faith & healing gifts.

4. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit is with us (when we are sealed) & will fill us.

Isn't it better that we be filled with the Holy Spirit & receive Gods gifts ASAP?




  1. there's this online concordance


    lemme see


  2. So exactly what are you saying ? Yes, I know MANY believers are filled with with the holy spirit but not with fire ( speaking in tongues ) Does that make one Christian better than the other ? They are filled with all the rest you listed and are doing just fine. When you post a question like that sounds like you are boasting and God detest

  3. The reason is because Christianity has been oversystematized into a set of formulas and technical definitions that the original writers of the biblical books never intended.  Did you know that Paul wrote in First Corinthians that he was not speaking on God's behalf?  How do you deal with that passage, since you're obviously of the opinion that all scripture is the inspired word of god?  


  4. Too full from communion wafers.

    The HS theory of being filled and eliciting healing gifts isn't supported by data.  Imagine if it were true, there would be no need for hospitals.

    For some reason HS filled people, only heal other believers of non provable diseases and subjective pain, with the same hit rate as a placebo.

    The absence of regenerative healing speaks volumes about the effectiveness of the HS, just as the absence of Big Foot dung speaks volumes about the effectiveness of Susquatch.

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