
Christians: will you/do you let your children read or watch Harry Potter?

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as ive heard it is a sin!!!




  1. Do you think people are paying that much attention to you to even notice you twice?

    Give it up!

    And lighten up too will ya?

    Jesus is for you, not against you.

    And by the way, I like Harry Potter movies. But then I'm a stupid Christian so I guess that must say something about the movie.

  2. I've heard so many christian get all psycho because it has witch craft in it. Please people get with the program. It's fiction. NOT REAL!! These are the same christians that let their kids play violent video games.

  3. I own the hardbacks of all the books, and all of the movies released so far.  My oldest wasn't allowed to read them until she turned 11, the age of Harry in the first book.  She can't watch the movies till she's read the book.  (That's our rule for any movie based on a novel!)

    My youngest daughter has no desire to read the series.  It's just not her thing.  

    Sin to read or watch - No!  Sin to practice witchcraft or wizardry - Yes.

  4. I've heard of stupid christians...

    and you seem like one of them.

  5. I don't fall into that sort of thing. Entertainment is just that. If I had kids, I'd be happy if they would read the Tibetan Book of the Dead, as long as they weren't letting their brains idle away in front of a TV or computer.

  6. Well if you let your children read the bible, why not Harry Potter?

  7. There are witches in Macbeth. Is reading Macbeth a sin?

  8. ROFL - I can't believe there's actually people who have answered "yes" and that they don't allow their children to read Harry Potter. Most kids know the difference between fiction and non-fiction even if they don't use those exact terms.

  9. OMG! That reminds me of a story. So I went to Bible Camp when I was like, 10 and this lady would not let her daughter read Harry Potter at all! She was a foster daughter and she used to read it all the time, but then when she got her foster parents they took all her Harrry Potter away and put it in the garage!  

  10. No. The problem with this bit of "fiction" is that it was written by a witch and the names of the witches and demons belong to real witches and demons. Their are enough pitfalls in life. One does not go and look for trouble if one can avoid it.

  11. Duhhhhhhhhh.............

    Sorry lapsed into a coma after the 100,982th Harry Potter question...

  12. (christian).. yes i would let my daughter watch it because its fiction.. and she knows whats real and whats not..

  13. well if i'm a mother...i would burn that movie in front of them! so they can see how angry i am with witchcraft! its DEMONIC!!!!! it might brain wash them! its promoting satan things!!! yes it is a sin!

    sorry for shouting(in words) hehe

  14. tie and burn my kids on a stake, while the book is chained on their neck lols kidding

    ofcourse i'll explain to them why we think its evil

  15. Lady, the genre is called "fiction" for a reason.

  16. It's a shame some Fundy Wackjobs still try & insist the series is evil. Just wish they'd try & read it without harping on the language.

    I've frequently used HP quotes to teach my daughter the complexities of morality.

    "We must chose between what is right and what is easy" being a favourite.


  17. Listen Lady....according to the bible taking a dump on the sabbath is a sin! But...just like the Harry Potter series...the "holy bible" is one of the greatest works of fiction ever written! Lighten up, H.P. is great family entertainment.

  18. My kids don't like Harry Potter.

  19. no...because it's witchcraft even though it's a fictional story...

    it can really affect the children..

    as a result children may also dream of having a power...

    they want to be the most powerful....

    besides demons will be happy if they see people who are enjoying watching the wizardry and witchcraft..

    it's spiritism..

  20. Yes I would children know it is fiction.


  22. Is that a joke? hahaha

  23. My son is 17 and he has a Bible and all the Harry Potter books.    

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