
Christians with good communication skills: what thoughts do you have on those with horrid grammar & spelling?

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and how do you feel it relates to their beliefs?




  1. My thoughts?: I should help them, if I can.

  2. im huked on fonix annd nut even a christan

  3. There is no one perfect , no not one ..

    I think what's in a  person's heart  matters more , these things are trivial !

  4. As a Christian, I have to agree that you make a valid point.  It may seem unfair, but as a general rule I find that the more fundamentalist a person is, the more likely that person is to distrust education, and perhaps even to suspect higher education as being the work of the devil.  My observation is that there is a correlation between formula religion and ignorance, and this is strongly suggested by the poor grammar and spelling we see so often.

  5. Usually those are the children of FUN-DUHs showing off their homeschooling their parents haven't been able to find the on switch for the computer yet .

  6. Yu gawt a poynt ther.  Eye m ah Fundy two.

    Eye ahgree whith yu.

  7. I'm a Christian. I've seen a fair amount of mangled syntax on this site, and it's not only coming from my fellow Christians. A lot of the issues that people chronically complain about on this site are mere typos (for instance, spelling errors such as "Christains" or "athiest"). However, I've definitely seen examples of regrettable grammar presented in the name of Christ. It seems that the worse the grammar is, the more zealous the ideas are. These same people often accentuate their errors with a whimsical use of capital letters. I can generally understand what they're trying to say; however, I do wonder why they seem unwilling to express those same thoughts in standard edited English. When I find that I've made grammatical errors or typos, I feel I've damaged my argument to some extent. People with decent argumentation skills should be able to prove that they know how to read and write. It's important to know how to present an idea properly, and the failure to do so can result in others not only thinking that you're an imbecile, but looking askance at the cause you're claiming to represent. Christianity is not aided by people who possess the spelling skills of kindergarten dropouts.

  8. I think it is your personal bias. I have seen some hideous English from all parties here. I think, more than anything else, that it has to do with sheer laziness. I'm sure these people have been taught better than this.

  9. Laziness of thought and action.

    It's pretty much a definition of Christianity.

    Why study and learn or think? All you need to know is that GodDidIt!

    Why act or help? Prayer  suffices, and when prayer doesn't,  then gawd didn't want that anyway.

  10. Please forgive me, for this:

    "ken we birn dem at de steak, cuz dis zounds lyke a which hunt to me?"

  11. Meh.

    I can find it in my heart to forgive them if I can decipher what they are trying to say.  Sometimes I point out how stupid they are, but it isn't exactly conducive to BA you know.  Not that they ever give me BA once they know I'm an evil Catholic.  And I haven't even gone to church for like 11 years.

  12. from one old man to another

    once you hit the enter key it is saved

  13. Sadly, I do find that there is a somewhat higher percentage of Christians who have little command of the English language. Without knowing what the age is of everyone here, I can only guess that the majority are younger than 25. I say that based on what many of them ask and answer. After a while it starts to become fairly evident what age range people are in here. But, as I said, it is a guess.

    Overall, it makes me wonder how long it will be before currently non-English speaking countries will master our language and we'll look like buffoons. There's no doubt that English is becoming the international language.

  14. you should also mention the random caps-lock

    I'm an atheist and I think that many butcher the language a lot

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