
Christians:Does the fact that God wants you to "WORSHIP" him, make him vain, egotistical and a tad up himself?

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"Yes I am God and I MADE YOU! Now worship me or I'll burn you for eternity"

Not very humble is it? Quite arrogant actually.




  1. I love how Christians try to "explain" the reason for worshiping God is not based on ego. That's fine if you want to defend it. But you can't do that and continue to support the Bible which clearly states that God is a jealous God.

    Exodus 20:4-6  Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image,

       or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that

       is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the

       earth: {5} Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve

       them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the

       iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and

       fourth generation of them that hate me; {6} And showing mercy

       unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

  2. God requires no worship and in fact does not want it  Read this Truth in the Conversations with God books by Neale Donald Walsch. Available at your library..God bless

  3. God does not send you to h**l if you do not worship him.

  4. God wasn't meant to be humble, was he?

    Anyway,  that sounds like the vast majority of men to me, which fits, as they were created in his image.

    BTW, it's not arrogant, because, if you're believing that, then God did create man and give him life etc., so he's not 'up himself'.

    I disagree with a lot of what he supposedly did in the Old Testament, but for someone who is omnipotent and omnipresent etc., I don't think you can be unjustifiably arrogant per se.  

  5. Arrogant?

    I suppose it would be simple for you to say that, but look at it from another perspective;

    Perhaps it's simply because he doesn't want you to worship Satan, who doesn't just WANT you to worship him, but will tempt you and twist your mind away from the truth purely so that it's centured only on him.

    Perhaps God wants us to worship him so that he can protect us.

  6. You become what you think about. So, if we set our sights on God, we become like Him. His desire for us to worship Him is for OUR good, not His.

  7. Quit arrogant? worship the One who created YOU.  The One who thought of only you in that instant and loves you with no end. sounds to me like the arrogant one is you not Him.

    Grow up.

  8. That's the first thing I noticed back when I was a believer, their god sounds too much like your typical greedy human than some being of infinite wisdom..

  9. that might be what you would do, but you are just human. God doesn't have the feelings and emotions that humans do, so he wouldn't be vain and egotistical.

  10. No

  11. It's more bizarre, really.

    Why would God WANT worship? What is the point to him?

    Even if he craves praise, surely, praise from beings he made himself? That's just weird.

  12. Yes, believing in the biblical bigot is illogical.

    I do not give God human flaws like jealousy, insecurity, and vengeance.

    So, Jacqueline, are you saying that you would send your children to suffer for eternity if they were ungrateful?  What kind of a parent would do that.?

    Leviticus 20:9 any child that curses his mother or his father shall be put to death.

  13. who doesn't enjoy a little worshiping every here and there ;D

  14. it's not about Him wanting to be worshiped,it's about Him deserving to be worshiped and how  Man it's not complete without it.

  15. Agreed.

    I raised my son. In a way, I "made" him into the person he is.

    But I don't expect him to worship me and listen to everything I say.

    In fact, I would be happy if he someday becomes better than me in every way.

    Huh. I guess it's because I love my son more than God loves his children.

  16. that's not the real God. that's the ego that walks like a god...

  17. Atheists will never understand. always assume that God is evil, we just dont understand his ways

  18. Now tell me that again when your children don't have any respect for what you say or take everything they are spoiled with for granted.

  19. yes, exactly

  20. no its more like

    "hey guess what i love you guys a lot. so im going to create you so you can live and we an be together. but if you dont like me thats cool too. im going to give you free will b/c that would suck if i forced you to love me."

    then we go to earth. how we feel about God is really all that matters. soo.....

    then we die. God says

    "bobby, i love you and you lived a good life as a way of showing everyone that you love me too. so come with me and you can live forever with me."

    "jake, i love you just as much as i love bobby. but you dont love me. its kind of obvious since you told everyone i dont exist and you hate me. well im not going to force you to love me or live with me. youll hate me even mroe for that."

    that clear it up?

  21. Yes it does seem rather egotistical. He is also easily jealous and quick to punish for small things according to the bible. I would say god has some self esteem issues.

    Koombarooshaii- If he loves so much why would he d**n those who do not believe in him? Or why would he allow children to live unimaginably horrible lives or starve to death? Why would he kill people just for believing in something other than him? why would he create a place where people are tortured for eternity? None of those things seem like things any loving person would do.

  22. How humble is it that?

    He gave us life through His Son, Jesus Christ. Just imagine giving up your son, if you have one, to be sacrificed for the whole world for our sins. God is a righteous God, not arrogant. It is we who are arrogant and corrupted with sin. God created us in His image because He loves us, He gave us His Son, Jesus Christ, because He loves us. He is a compassionate, loving, kind, and merciful God. We should be humble giving thanks to the God who created all....

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