
Christians:do you still believe that disease is a sign of the wrath of God?

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The Lord will smite you with consumption and with fever and with inflammation and with fiery heat and with the sword and with blight and with mildew, and they will pursue you until you perish.

Deuteronomy 28:22




  1. In some instances disease is a sign of God's immediate wrath. In other instances it is a sign of God's wrath at the rebellion in the Garden of Eden and the continuing consequences of that rebellion on all humanity whether they personally have done something to offend God or not.

  2. This is what we believe:

    Romans 8:2 KJV "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death."

    The verse you cite is part of a covenant God made with His people Israel.  Blessings and cursings in correlation to obedience to God.

    But all creation is subject to the law of sin and death, my friend.  Jesus is the only cure.

  3. I have know many Christians who say things like that... Pretty much any thing that happens to someone who is bad is the wrath of God... But they never seem to question the bad things that happen to good people, or the good things that happen to bad people. I guess that is where they get the BS "God works in mysterious ways"... I don't know about you but to me an all powerful being has no need for acting mysteriously and in fact would be more interested in being very direct with his creations in order to teach in an open and understanding way... there would be no mystery.

  4. no

  5. Nope.

    The reference comes from the Old Testament. Jesus made a new covenant.

  6. God does not punish people by sending diseases. If He did, they every single one of us would have a disease since we are all sinners.

    There is an example in the NT where the disciples ask Jesus about a blind man: Who sinned, him or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered Neither. His blindness was not caused by sin. Jesus worked to overcome thinking like this.

    Don't isolate a verse in the Bible and turn it into a doctrine.

  7. And lo, God will set forth plagues upon the land in the hopes of killing one sinner and create suffering among the just.

    Plague is God's 'witchcraft' trials.

  8. I prefer the Wrath of Khan, that was a great movie.  

  9. Man wrote that. Consumption is TB. That explains the symptoms of Tuberculosis

  10. Nope, Disease is not a sign of the wrath of God.

    God promised that he will not curse anymore, with RAINBOW OF PROMISE.

    I exactly don't know the Scripture verse but I ensure that disease is not a wrath of God.

  11. Thats lifted from a story. it's important what context you put it in when you are asking a question.

    God is good and i don't think it is up to us to say when how or what. That is very dangerous. The Bible says all good things come from God so we have to be careful how we quote/perform in disscusion.

  12. Sounds more like a wrath from nature.

  13. well i dont believe that

  14. some still do as I've seen many claim that AIDS is punishment for sin, the context thing is only mentioned when the verse is right and makes the faith look bad

    if God's so good then why is he killing and performing many evils?

    many christians bemoan atheists morals yet they never question the one that supposedly defines good

  15. The people are more savage than others is because of the environment that they live in. Like the tsunami for example in asia. It didn't happen because the people are bad. The people are bad because of catastrophic events that have wiped out many generations of people where they live.

  16. I believe that diseases, and particularly ones that have mutated to resist treatments, are a sign of evolution. :-D

  17. "...if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:...The LORD shall smite thee with a consumption, and with a fever, and with an inflammation, and with an extreme burning, and with the sword, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they shall pursue thee until thou perish." (Deut 28:15, 22)

  18. I don't believe disease is a punishment from God, if it were humans would never be able to cure any of them.  

  19. Jesus said this was not true.  In John 9 he and his disciples came across a blind man, and his disciples asked whether it was the man's own sin or that of his parents that had caused his blindness (as the Jewish religious leaders of the time taught).  Jesus said that neither of these were true.

    In the Old Testament, quarantine laws are given for lepers, because it is recognised that, in general, leprosy is caused not by any special disfavour from God, but by contact with other lepers.

    While there are instances in the Bible when God has used disease as a punishment, nothing in the Bible has ever indicated that all disease is a punishment from God.

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