
Christmas Card from the Ponting Family

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Christmas Card from the Ponting Family
Seasons Greetings,
Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas. Happy holidays mates, (except the Poms). The Ponting Family thought it would be a good idea to keep everyone up to date with the happenings of a hectic 2010. We can hardly believe that it
has been almost a year since the ‘spot fixing family’ from had come to stay over. It has been very exciting for us to show them around our great countryside and cities. They specially liked taking extended visits to the betting shops and playing the
slot machines.
The young blood of the Ponting clan have had a brilliant year and we are all so proud of their achievements even though they do sometimes make Ricky want to pull his hair out, or punch them on the nose to make them bowl a little
straight! Just joking, mates. Cricket is all about discipline lads, we don’t punch our boys. Especially since our dear uncle Mervyn left for the petting zoo to kill small animals.
Young Johnson got us all quite worried in what has to be the drama of the year. One night he came home with a TATTOO! Of all possible things! But you know, boys his age get that way when they are around their first girlfriend.
Aw, Mitchell’s blushing just now as Ricky types this. It does go without saying that we will continue to support and love him , especially when he’s trying to get his bowling straight which we all know he can do, even though last Test , I thought he was  being
a waste of oxygen. Just joking mates! Mitchell breathes carbon dioxide, like plants.
While our dearest Uncle Huss has pulled quite a Houdini and proved to us that one can only be as old as the woman he feels. Or in Uncle Huss’s case the bat he feels. His dedication does deserve a round of applause. Thank goodness
Uncle Huss is here for the young lads to show them how batting is done.
There has been sadness in the camp too this year, when one of our favourite companions – our very faithful pedigree Openinghound Katy – was crippled and had to be dealt with. Mercy killing is a sad thing indeed. Just joking. We
don’t kill our team mates for fun.
However, God is very merciful as he closes one door and opens another. This year there has been a new addition to the Ponting family as we have taken under our wing an orphaned boy named Doherty. We are teaching him how to ball
slow left arm and he also gets the little chores done around the place. Through this letter we want him to know that we will never abandon him and he will always be a loved member of the family. Or at least not if he promises to stop wetting his bed. I kid,
I kid. It is not because of the bed wetting.
Some of you might have heard about the problems that Papa Ponting and Mama have been facing. We would just take this opportunity to go on record and state “What marriage doesn’t have its fair share of problems?” We did have
a family trip to England where we were mugged by a gang of teenagers, and then robbed during our visit to and Mohali. There were the occasional hiccups and then Uncle Huss showed that he had little leadership qualities to threaten the patriarch of the
household. Just playing!
Not really.
But as the great uncle Kanye said, “Work it make it, do it, makes us, harder, better, faster stronger, what don’t kill us can only make us stronger”
One last morsel of news before we depart, mad uncle Hollywood Shane has promised to join us on Boxing Day when he comes back from his “gambling escapade.”
This is very exciting for us all.
Warmest regards to your families, except those in the Aussie media.
Uncle Ponting and Family



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