
Christmas = Christ-Mass ?

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So, Christmas is actually a Catholic Tradition and not a regular Christian festival? Its a MASS for Catholics?

Is this true?





  1. Certainly looks like it.  But you might like to do some research yourself.

  2. Yes it is the origin of the word Christmas which is found in English and other Germanic languages, though not in latin languages like French, Italian or Spanish. This name only goes back around 1000 years, before which the feast would simply have been known as the feast of the Nativity (Dies Natalis in latin hence Noel in french).

    So the feast of the Nativity predates the name "Christmas" - it is first recorded in about 300 AD - mind you, at that time, the church had not yet split into different denominations, it was universal - catholic (literally).

  3. Yes! I was shocked when I found out. I always knew it was man made and that Christ wasn't actually born on December 25th, but didn't realise it was by the catholics.

    Look at

    It explains how In 375 A.D the Catholic church literally made up the idea that December 25 was Christ's birthday, because at that time of year (in the winter when it's cold and dark) many non christians (which they called pagans) were worshipping the Sun God to bring back the sun (or summer). They used to hold big festivals in honour of the sun god, and many christians were getting attracted to the festivities and were leaving the church, so the Catholics made up the christmas holiday so that everyone would come back to the church and be attracted by this NEW festivity.

    The bible even says how we SHOULDN'T put up christmas trees! It's in Jeremiah 10. See this:

    Hope that helps and sorry if I seem like i'm preaching.

    EDIT: Why did I get a down thumb? Mine is the only factual answer with linked in sources here! LOL!

  4. same, all start wiz e letter  " C "

  5. this has got to be the "No s**t Sherlock" question of the year.

    If CSI need a new investigator I'll send them your way  

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