
Christmas Dinner Restaurant in Illinois?

by  |  earlier

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We will be traveling through Illinois on Christmas day and are looking for a nice restaurant that will be open on Christmas Day. We will be heading South from the Rockford area.... should be in Bloomington area around 1:30pm.... then Springfield around 3pm.... and might make St. Louis around 5 pm. We would be willing to stop anywhere along the way for a nice meal. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Merry Christmas all!




  1. iurte46e5678ygholku.['piomkjyubt6yo7ut5r... 8976768768968969898769876987698769786876... .1............1☺☻♥♠♣♦○◘•-•

  2. well i dont live in illinois but i do know this

    no restrants are open on Christmas exept the Chinesse ones so try a nice Chinesse restrant thats what we always do.

  3. Look on the Internet for the restaurants listed in a town along the way; figure out where you will spend the night and then call that hotel/motel for tips. The weather is terrible (as you are aware) so take it easy and don't plan to go as far as you might normally.

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