
Christmas Vs No Christmas. Relationship Question...

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I have been a christian my whole life (I'll pause for a moment to explain that at a certain point of my life I majorly doubted what I believe but with some research on my own I found a level of christianity that I feel comfortable with and am not willing to give it up) and Christmas has always been a really big deal to me. Not necessarily JUST the religious aspect but also just being with my family and the closeness. At Christmas I just have an overwhelming feeling of joy and comfort. So it's very important to me that I decorate and celebrate. Recently I started seeing this guy who is Jehovah Witness. I knew from the beginning that he didn't celebrate anything including Christmas. I'm just wondering if there is anyone out there who might be in a similar situation. I guess the Christmas tree is a pagan symbol. I'm very open-minded but I'm not willing to give up my beliefs and neither is he.Is there anyway for us to compromise?




  1. its no longer pagan...just a decoration and he will make life miserable if you continue. Stick with openminded ppl who can handle celebrating beautiful things.

  2. My friend from highschool was a jehovas witness however her mother married a man who was not. He is catholic and my friends 2 half-brothers are not yet either. They will be allowed to choose when they are older. Also my friends biological father is catholic. THe kids used to decorate and get gifts from her real dad/stepdad and the mom just kind of ignored it. There are ways to get around it.  

  3. Just because you don't agree in the beliefs behind Christmas doesn't mean you can't enjoy the holiday and being close with your loved ones. I'm not religious, but I love Christmastime because I get to see my parents and siblings for a few weeks, when I never usually get to see them during the year. To me personally, it's not about the presents and all the little traditions (even though those things can be fun, especially if you have kids), it's about the few weeks where people don't have to work, and can just relax with their family members and eat good food.

    You should tell your friend that you would love to have him come to your house for Christmas, if only to relax and eat. Christmas doesn't have to be a huge religious spectacle. Instead of a prayer at dinner, you could ask everyone to go around the table and say a few things they're thankful for (that way, yours could be a Christian message, but his wouldn't have to be). Don't try to give him anything religious, and spare him the Bible stories, but make him feel welcome and cozy. I'm sure you'll both walk away having had a great holiday.

  4. You should find someone who is willing to celebrate your holidays, and you are willing to celebrate you can both keep your religion EXACTLY the way it is..with a few additions of course...but no reductions.  

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