
Chronic Pain- What should i do??

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Chronic Pain - what should i do if medicaiton im taking isnt Working for me?

ive been taking 15 mg Ms con-tin pills twice a day, it doesn't work.. i have a doctors appt coming up soon.. what should i say?

im gonna tell u guys the truth,- ive been buying pills from people.. cause what they give me isn't working.. i know oxycodone works, cause that's what ive been taking.,. i know i shouldn't be buying pills, but what should i do if the doctors ain't helping me?.. ive been having chronic pain since 05.. got in trouble.. and they finally started prescribing pills to me. again

should i tell my doctor the truth and tell him ive been buying pills cause what there doing for me isn't working.. ive bought-en 80 mg oxycontin/oxycodone pills, i don't take the whole thing.. i only take half.. cause that's what works for me.. i dont get break through pain medication either..

I'm lost on what to do.. should i just tell my doctor that ms contin isn't working.. switch me over and raise the dose?.. or tell him the whole truth and let him know ive been buying medication.. since they arent helping me?

heres whats wrong with me- girdle stone reduction of left femur, meaning i dont have a ball joint in my left femur.. one leg is shorter then the other.. so my walking is ****** up.. on a cane.. and my back is all twisted.. i have pains in my lower back and left hip area * due to a car accident where i was ejected from the vehicle on the freeway back in 2005 *

15 hours ago

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4 hours ago


When i got in trouble, it wasnt ABUSING my narcotics.. i was doing illegal drugs.. after i got caught.. i got clean of all illegal drugs.. they know that.. thats why they gave me a second chance and started giving me pain killers again.. cause usually the law is.. once u get caught doing illegal drugs/narcotics.. they dont prescribe u narcotics/pain killers.. anymore.. But i got a second chance.. from one of my doctors.. .. im trying to Clarify

P.S. ive been using a cane for almost over a year.. i can WALK good, its just since i have a shorter leg, it messes up my back BADLY and my HIP.




  1. stop taking all non-perscribed medications (slowly if you take heavy doses).  tell your doctor exactly what/how much of any drugs you have taken.  and tell him that you are in a significant amount of pain and the medications perscribed dont work for you.  if you are lucky he will perscribe you a new painkiller that you havent taken before.  and if he is a competent doctor, he will tell you to get the h**l out of his office and get to a rehab clinic you drug addict

  2. Do not ask for any medication by name.  I have chronic pain as well and that is the first red flag for doctors.  Just tell them that the dosage is not working and they will suggest upping your dose.  You can either try that or tell them you would like to change the morphine all together because you don't like the way you feel or something like that.  I have chronic abdominal pain and just switched from ms-contin to oxycontin and it was like night and day.  Just voice your concerns without sounding like your drug-seeking.  

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