
Chronic pain and fatigue? ?

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You need some history. I have battled not being healthy for over two years now. I for a long time had stomach upset that went along with this. I thought it was tied together but the stomach pain ended up being gallbladder disease. I have since had my gallbladder removed. The stomach problems resolved. However just like the surgeon told me it did not resolve the aches and pains, and the fatigue. I don't sleep at night and have tried to flip my schedule but it never seams to stick. The pain seams more severe at night and I end up so tired I eventually crash. Luckily my kids are school age so I can see them off and then lay back down. Many people have suggested that I just stay up no matter what. I have tried that with no sucsess because when you reach my level of tiredness eventually my body just gives in and I fall asleep. Last year I actually got really sick from trying to flip my sleep pattern too. Some of my friends have suggested that my pain is due to the inconsistent sleep patterns? I have seen doctors for this and been tested for arthritis, lime disease, sleep disorders, thyroid problems and lymphoma. All test came back fine! The surgeon thought for sure I had lymphoma because of the size of my neck and lymph nodes. My problem now is that I am expecting and everyone including the docs say this is from my pregnancy. I have an issue with that because this issue was going on long before me being expecting. I am hoping someone has an idea of how to get the doc to take me seriously that this is not from pregnancy and is something else. That way I could have Blood test done on me. Maybe since I have insurance they could get me with a pain specialist. I have already seen a sleep doctor over a year ago and he said the pain was the issue. I know this was long but I felt a good description was best. I really would like this resolved before my baby makes an appearance. I know I will still be able to be mom regardless. It would just be easier if I knew what caused my pain and sleep disturbance problems? If you have any suggestions what I should do please help? Suggestions of what is going on are welcome too. The only thing I ask is to be respectful and please no rude comments!




  1. have they checked your blood sugars?   If you have a fasting blood sugar of over 125 twice you are diabetic.  High sugars can cause you to feel fatigued  and listless.  I would be surprised if you were not already checked but pregnancy can make it worse.

    hope you feel better soon.

  2. I too suffer chronic pain. But mine is now controlled by Neurostimulation.

    Pain is so tiring on it's own WITHOUT throwing in insomnia, motherhood, partnership and frustration. And now pregnancy!

    Not to be disrespectful, but your Doctor must be a Dim Wit.


    If he has bothered to send you to a Sleep Specialist who has written in a report that the Dr would have gotten, that the insomnia is caused by pain, then he/she SHOULD NORMALLY refer you STRAIGHT to a Pain Specialist, who would deal with your insomnia over time!

    Make sense?

    Your Doctor should have done a full blood test, FBC, BEFORE even sending you to the Sleep Specialist.

    He/she is obviously NOT taking this seriously.

    There are a number of things you can do

    1) Time to change treating Doctor's.

    2) Get this new one to order a batch of blood tests.

    3) Get this Doctor to refer to a Pain Specialist. they are the one's totally trained to diagnose and treat ANY pain issues and any effects pain can causes.

    The pain may still be from your gall bladder.

    After key hole surgery for the removal, they tend to cause scar tissue., This HURTS!!!!!!

    Also after feeling so much pain for so long, the body get's used to feeling pain there, and still fires off neurons in the brain telling the body and brain it still has pain there.

    If your still having pain, of course the insomnia will not be fixed. In turn, the insomnia will not be broken until the pain is lowered.

    Good luck with this battle. It can be won. But you need to be your own advocate sometimes and make the decisions and let the Doctor know "Enough is enough."

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