
Chronic pain suffers can you shed light on darvocet ?

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I have downgraded to darvocet for chronic (low back pelvic pain ) control i wanted the lowest narcotic because i have two small children ive heard darvocet is "weak" "not worth the gas to the pharmacy to pick up "what do you think of darvocet ? im glad to have any pain releif then none at all !




  1. Well the thing about Darvocet is is that it May work, it may not. DO NOT SUBSTITUTE IT FOR ULTRAM EVER! Ultram is horrible, that's another question.

    Darvocet is Propoxyphene a very weak opiate and it's compound Propoxyphene-N can be very highly toxic to the heart. It can create all types of circulation problems being the compound effects the electric impulses from the brain to the heart.This is not with all people but it is something you must know. And being very weak you might eventually get to the point you are taking more and more to compensate for it's weakness in inadvertently taking 650mg's of Tylenol for every tablet you can take. This is horrible on the liver.Darv's are notorious for inducing migraine headaches.

    If you can tolerate it, Darvocet is a lot easier to control as far as mental addiction than anything else.

    It can induce severe depression and suicidal tendencies and it is illegal in the UK on this premise.  In my experience it is a unpredictable drug, working effectively sometimes and than other times not doing a thing. I personally think you are better with 5mg Hydrocodone being Darvocet is totally synthetic and the compound continually builds up in you. I personally do not think Darvocet is worth it, I read claims that aspirin can provide better pain relief, and I believe this. Darvocets are just a poor drug.

  2. Darvocet is Acetaminophen and Propoxyphene Napsylate.  You obviously know it is not as strong as what you've been taking but apparently that is what you wanted.  I would suggest you research these ingredients as with any medication you take.  If it works for you then great.  My only caution off the top of my head is to be aware the acetaminophen can be hard on the liver at higher doses.  4000mg/day is maximum but I would not go near that.  Do not drink any alcohol when taking acetaminophen if you value your liver at all.    

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