
Chuck Greenberg exits the Texas Rangers

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Chuck Greenberg exits the Texas Rangers
The Texas Rangers announced to the world on Friday that Chuck Greenberg was going to be replaced by the team president, Nolan Ryan.
Ryan now has the title of CEO of the organisation as well he will look over the baseball and business operations for the team. But what brought about this change just around Spring Training? 
Any other team would have been affected by this sudden change of leadership and control and would need time to readjust, but not the Rangers because they have been though enough already with the ownership situation, and this news didn’t quite surprise them.
Outfielder David Murphy joked that this was just a way of creating some flavour and drama in the team as the spring break is mostly filled with drama for the team.
It has been officially released that management which included Chuck Greenberg, Nolan Ryan, Ray Davis and Bob Simpson had a difference in their styles and could not work through those differences. But this isn’t the only reason for his departure. Even though
it seems sudden, a lot had been going on underneath the surface.
The selling of a suite at the Rangers Ballpark in Arlington by Greenberg didn’t go down too well with Ryan and Daniels as they were against the idea of selling a suite that was used for meetings with family and friends. The suite was part of the extension
for Jon Daniels that Greenberg and Ryan had disagreed upon and it was sold by Greenberg even after multiple objections from Nolan.
Many sources confirmed that Greenberg was getting too involved with the Michael Young trade talks and the baseball operations staff wasn’t too happy with him for that. They were also taken aback by how he was getting really involved in the daily winter meetings
after the World Series.
Members of the Atlanta organizations weren’t very pleased when Greenberg shifted the Rangers High-A affiliates to Myrtle Beach, one of the minor league club he owns that was associated with the Braves. The commissioner at MLB headquarters was made aware
of this discontent.
Even though his departure is sudden it doesn’t really leave holes in the management as he was not a majority owner and his own ownership was very small. Players of the team have always liked Greenberg and remember him in kind words although they say that
nothing would change for them.
Baseman Ian Kinsler stated that Chuck was a great guy who he could have comfortable talks with, but his departure really does not affect the club in the locker room or the field. The fans are having more of a tough time dealing with this because his constant
interaction with them through emails, Facebook and Twitter kept them in the loop. They always felt like a part of the team and hopefully that can continue.
Greenberg didn’t really leave the Rangers empty handed, he is walking away with a whooping $25 million profit. Chuck fought hard for his chair and even though he cannot get the previous year and a half of his life back, according to Bob Nightingale the $25
million profit will definitely ease the pain. A year and a half worth of work in exchange for $25 million does not seem like a bad deal.
The views expressed in this article are the writer's own and in no way represent's official editorial policy.



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