
Church Wedding ????

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My fiance and I aren't religious, don't attend church, etc. But last night he said something about getting married in a church. Is acceptable to for non religious people to marry in a church? Are there any steps need to get married in a church that you're not affiliated with on a regular basis?




  1. I don't think it's appropriate for non-religious people to get married in a religious building.  There are plenty of beautiful venues besides churches to have a wedding.  I think it'd be disrespectful to the members of the church and to the pastor to get married somewhere where you do not believe in what they do.

  2. I would look into a chapel.  

  3. Why do you want to get married in the eyes of God if you are non religious ?

    Lots of people do the marriage and christening thing in Church and they dont even go. I am not knocking you for your beliefs but I do think its a waste of time if you are not religious.

    A Church Wedding is the same as a civil ceremony but you pray to God and the minister blesses your marriage in front of  God.

    It all seems a bit hypocritical to me, but lots of people seem to want to be married in Church but not for the right reasons I think.

  4. a lot of my friends have done this.  you can get married in some churches without being a member there I think.  catholic churches won't do it though but other denominations might if you pay them a rental fee and take marriage classes from the pastor of the church

  5. You would have to speak with the minister at a church that you are interested in getting married at. Every church has different criteria. I'll bet you could find one who would do it.

  6. Many churches do wish for you to be christened before they will marry you. The best start would be to contact the vicar who performs the usual services in the church to discuss the situation with him/her. Some are a lot stricter than others.

  7. Yes, many churches will allow you to get married there, even if you are not a member. But you will have to go along with their rules, like completing pre-marital counseling or using that church's minister. You will also probably have to pay a higher fee to use the church than a member would. They may ask if you have been baptized.

    Call some churches in the city where you plan to get married and see what their policies are. It will almost certainly be different at every place you call.

  8. Go Talk To The Preset And They Will Tell You  

  9. I don't know about other denominations, but I know my denomination would be willing to marry you in the church irregardless of your religious background.  Members get the services for free while non-members have to pay but otherwise it is not an issue.

  10. I think it is hypocritical, but people do it all the time.  Churches are a place of worship, not a backdrop for your marriage ceremony.

    Some churches will allow it though.

  11. My husband and I believe in God, but we didn't have a regular church we attended. We thought it might be hard to find a church to marry us, but there are actually many churches around that are willing to do the ceremony. We went with a lutheran church - we loved the pastor and the church itself was beautiful.

    Of course, the church will charge you more if you are not a member. I know at one point you mentioned that you were thinking about doing the reception at Wedgewood Banquet Center - was that the one located in San Ramon? If so, check out Saint Philip Lutheran Church. It is about 3 minutes away from the Banquet Center and very nice.

  12. Neither one of go to church, but we had our wedding in a chapel.  We found an old church that they now use for weddings.  If you go to a church were services are performed you usually have to use the church pastor or whatever clergy of the church's denomination.  It's easier to find a church that is no longer used for services.  Check local gardens or parks that may have built chapels for weddings.  

  13. Its nobody's business whether or not you and your fiancee are religious or not. If you want a church wedding then by all means have one. There are plenty of churches that will rent their sanctuaries just for that purpose. Come to Charleston South Carolina, we have beautiful cathedrals here. We are known as the holy City for all the churches here.
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