
Church helping community...?

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If a church asked you what they should do to help the local community, where would you tell them to start?




  1. I assume this is a church plant.  If you're new to the area and don't know the local charities, then you need to explore the needs in your community.  Many times, the small struggling charity, are the ones that help the needy the most, rather than the larger charities, i.e. United Way, Red Cross etc.

    Key leaders in your church should already have charities that they support and volunteer with--have an open discussion as they will have key insite for your specific location.

    Starting your own clothing closet or food pantry, requires space, time, maintenance and routine donations from the congregation to make it work.  Plus your location should be near where the needy are, if you are in the suburbs away from the homeless, then these outreaches don't make much sense.

    Good luck

  2. i think they should give out food for poor people!

    and do a kids minestery.

    and give the kid toys and teach them about God!


  3. Step 1 listen really listen to the needs of your community.  Go out, visit folks, sit at food banks, hospital waiting rooms, welfare  offices, talk to parents at schools and to school counselors go to the senior center.    This is not a time to tell about your church, your good works etc.  It is a time to listen and see what people in your own community say they need.  Thalk with other churches and community groups and see what they are doing and what needs they see. Each community and each area in your community has its own needs.  

    Whatever program you do involve people who are in the larger community you are not doing to them or for them but with them.  Then be sure you can really do the project before you start it.   For example our community has a desperate need for a family shelter especially one that allows and encourages the family to stay together.   We know the need.  We also know our tiny church can not handle the project alone even though we have a couple of members who know a lot about helping homless ppl maybe we can work with another church on this or maybe we should concentrate on other things we can do.

    Most communities need more services for senior citizens especially smeone who cares and comes by regularly and maybe helps with thransportation if good public transit is not available.   Most communities need food help for people in need especially in summer.  Most need a place for people to get help with light blls, rent, meds,etc.   Most need programs for kids and teens especially in summer but also after school and weekends.   Many need a free medical clinic.    Find out what is already being done, what may keep ppl from using the services that are there (lack of transportation, attitudes on both sides, fees,etc.)  

    One thing you could consider - this is something we are starting - go to  Learn to use the site to help people find medicines and med equipment especially pplwho are not eligible for Medicare D, Medicaid, and prescription insurance coverage.  Get some volunteers who know how to search net data bases and are not afraid of medical words.  Teens are great for this is they understand that they are not to talk about other people's personal business.   Let the community know through medis, food pantries, welfare etc that this service is avalable and have a specific time for pplto call or come by.   Help match ppl upto the med help they need.  While you are doing that listen to the other needs they express.   That will help ppl know you care, help them start to trust you, and get your church a priceless education on the needs in your community.   You can then move into doing other things that are needed.

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