
Cia tactic?

by  |  earlier

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You know the move the cia use etc whereby they can knock someone unconcious by pushing on a point on a persons shoulder.?? does anyone know how and whereabouts on the person i should press or is it classified information....






  1. No such animal.

  2. Most advanced martial arts show pressure points. There is one where pressue on the neck will cause considerable pain.

    The "however" is that the techniques require considerable training and practice. As with the arm pressure point, you must be right on it or nothing happens (unless it's to you.)

    As in "Mythbusters" the "Don't try this at home." Applies. Most likely you'll end up not doing it right, not practicing enough and hurting someone.

    Best advice, sign up for martail arts. At an high belt ask the instructor. However, mine always used me for the demonstrations. Be ready

  3. Umm there's no such thing. You watch too many movies =P

  4. It is actually possible to do that, but not how they do it in the movies.

    In the movies they ACT! They don't actually pass out.

    In real life it can be done by restricting blood to the brain - resulting in unconsciousness. But all people know that your brain ain't in your shoulder.

  5. If you hit someone's forearm muscle hard enough you can render them unconscious. This is because the radial nerve passes over the forearm bone just below the elbow. A blow to the carotid artery on the side of the neck will do the same. They actually teach these in hand-to-hand combat training in the military.However, I've never heard of a pressure point on the shoulder that will knock someone out.
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