
Cigarette Addiction already?

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I had my first cigarette a few months ago. For the most part, I can go a few weeks without it. But recently, I've started really loving the way it smells, and the taste. I saw this video on youtube, "Smoke Smoke Smoke that cigarette"- and I was craving one already. Even though its awful, I've gotten used to the taste in my mouth, and it calms me down. I KNOW all the dangers of smoking, I guess I'm mental. But my question is, Am I already addicted? I've probably only MAXiMUM had 40 cigarettes. But like now, I really want one.

So please answer.





  1. Hi Anne; I smoked my first pack of cigarettes in Basic Training, and thought it would be my last.  A few weeks into my Tech School, I bought another pack and that's all it took.  I've been smoking for years now and honestly, you may be addicted.  Normally, Craving = Addiction only if you can't control it.  And I know you can control it.  Good luck, Don't smoke.  Cheers!

  2. Yep. New studies show it can take only 1 cigarette to get addicted. But, you can always get a nicotine gum or patches.

  3. There are two types of addictions: physical addiction and psychological addiction. It sounds to me as if you have the latter. You seem to really enjoy smoking, and especially when you saw that video (I saw it too) you psychologically wanted one.

    Every person is different. Some people smoke one cigarette and become addicted, while it takes hundreds for other people. It really depends on the individual. Try not smoking for awhile, and see whether you physically get ill from the withdrawal. Unfortunately, that's the best answer I can give you.

    Best of luck!

  4. I don't know if you're addicted or not but if you don't quit now you will be very addicted.  About 12-13 years ago I started smoking cigarettes and it was the biggest mistake I've ever made.  Those little things will control you.  They will kill your pockets and of course you.  If you don't stop now you'll probably smoke for the rest of you life.

  5. Everyone is different when it comes to addiction. But I doubt if you have a real physical addiction. More likely, you have just fallen in love with smoking. I understand. You aren't mental, you are just a smoker!

    If you like watching smoking videos on YouTube (and who doesn't), try searching for "hotbox Holli", "nose smoking", "s**y smoking", "power smoking", and "smoking fetish". Write me if you'd like to talk about it.

  6. No, you're not physically addicted yet.  If you're desiring cigarettes right now, it's because you enjoyed the ones you had before.

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