
Cigarette Coupon Quesion..?

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To all of you guys who smoke.. i have a question to ask..

recently i've stopped at a store to grab some cigarettes and this guy randomnly called me to the side and gave me this coupon.. Iam suspecious about this cupon because looks like it've been printed from a computer.. not a manufacture coupon, but someone have done it personally and put the manufacturer logo on it..And plus it doesn't say KOOL on the front.. just the two OO's..i haven't seen this coupon before.. so before using it.. i would like to know where could i possibly get this coupon from..

This is how it looks from the front:

This is how it looks from the back:

I'll appreciate for the help.. thanks




  1. I just read an article on coupon fraud online. You can be prosecuted for using fraudulant coupons.

    That being said don't use the coupon it isn't worth the money saved!!!

    I and my husband just bought the Top-O-Matic Cigarrette Making Machine-$48.00, 16oz bag of tobacco-$16.99 makes 3 cartons of Cigs and 3 boxes of 200per box of filtered Cigarette Tubes-$2.19per box.

    It cost us the same amount the first week as buying 2 cartons of cigarrettes. After buying the machine (which is manual), we only buy tobacco and 3 boxes of filter tubes for $23.56. Without the high taxes of regular cigarettes.

    They smoke just like hubby's Marlboro kings or my Marlboro light 100's using the same machine and Tobacco just different filter tubes. We didn't get any headaches from changing over either! You can also get Menthol tobacco and menthol filter tubes;)

    We buy everything at our local Tobacco Store but you can buy it online.

    Here's a link to how to use and make a cigarrette using this machine:


  2. It is definately a bad attempt at a counterfeit coupon, do not use unless there is a OO brand, the person made copies of a Kool coupon and was probably seeing if you could use it before they tried it, the coupon you show was on a thick paper stock with rounded edges originaaly. Because of federal regulations, you cannot print out tobacco coupons from any online source, just toss it and go from there/

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