
Cigarette Prices in France?

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Im travelling to Nantes soon and was wondering on cigarette prices over there as I need to know how many Euros to take

Can anyone give me a rough idea as to a packet of 20 or carton of 200? Also where are the best places to buy them? Would it be a supermarket?

Thanks in advance




  1. For Marlboro, it is more than 5.40 euros a pack

    There is no discount if you buy 1 pack or a carton.

    The price of the cigarette packs is fixed by the State, so no difference if you buy it in Nantes, Paris or Marseilles. It is very expensive.

  2. yes it about 5 or more euros ...but i recommend you if you are close to spain or any border to go there....its cheaper generally....i live close to spain and  a packet is 2.26 euros for kinda goods ones but you can find cheaper. and a lot of time people go out of france to buy them .but be carefully because you can buy per person 3 carton of 200 cig. maximum so if you are 2 in the car you can buy 1200 cig.

    if you go to andorra its cheaper...more than other country but  you cam buy 2 caerton per person ...

    i hope you had enough informations;)

  3. Bonjour ! the price for cigarettes has just gone up this weekend in France !

    There is no sale in supermarkets but only in bureau de tabac !

    One packet will cost you between 4,50 and 5 euros !

    It 's a bit cheaper if you buy a carton of 200 !

  4. Yes, expect at least $5-6.00 per pack.

  5. The average price of a pack of 20 cigarettes is € 5.00.

    The cheapest are "Bastos" and "Pall Mall".

    Buying a carton won't make it cheaper since the price of a carton is exactly the price of ten packs.

    The price of  each sort of cigarettes is the same everywhere since it's fixed by the state.

    You can't buy cigarettes in supermarkets.

    The only places where selling cigarettes is legal are "bureaux de tabacs" (tobacconists' shops). Beware that 99% of them are closed at night so buying cigarettes at night is sort of difficult (at night, you can buy cigarettes in some bars or cornershops but this is not really legal and you'll have to pay more).


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