
Cigarette burns - advice?

by Guest63697  |  earlier

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In a recent night of intoxicated frivolity, I sustained a minor cigarette burn to my face. It's not serious and doesn't hurt, but I now have a small, circular, dark brown discolouration at the end of my eyebrow towards my ear.

Will this scar, if it hasn't already? And if so, how do I go about removing or lightening it?




  1. Put Sudocrem On It It Gets Rid Of Minor Burns.etc. x

  2. well your going to have a little scar now ofcourse

    but the best thing is to use alovera gel.. works the best on burns

    trust me i do hair for a living i have alotta burns from flat iorns

    and i know this..

  3. just leave it to heal over itself. if it gets all swollen and p***y it could be infected, if so seek medical advice.

    if your are left with a scar you can use Bio Oil. it will take time to work but it is guarenteed to work. my partner uses it while she is pregnant and her stretchmarks are hardly visable. i have used it on scars and they have gone within a couple of months. it is also used for uneven skin tone. it is about £12 for a large sized bottle but it DOES work.

  4. ha ha hope you'll remember it the next time ,but i hope you had fun!

    you should be ok it only sounds like it was a minor little flesh wound and didn't go very deep to leave scarring,the staining maybe a little harder to get rid of though but eventually it will fade out.

  5. Aloe Vera Gel or  Lavender Vera essential oil (or both, mixed or alternated).

    Lavender EO (get it from a health food store and do NOT get the "fragrance oil" which is just for scent) is a specific for burns.  I've used it many times.

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