
Cigarette butts on my patio??????

by  |  earlier

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Lately, I have been finding cigarette butts on my condo patio (and I don't smoke myself ...). This morning, I even found a half-used book of matches. These have obviously been tossed from a neighbouring balcony above me; however, I don't know which one.

Now, I personally find cigarette smoking filthy and disgusting and am getting tired of cleaning up after someone else's bad (not to mention, unsafe) habit, but don't really want to make any enemies where I live. Plus, I could never stop someone from enjoying a smoke on his/her own balcony.

Any suggestions on how I could successfully identify the culprit and politely suggest to him/her to get an ashtray for outdoor use?????

Many thanks ...




  1. This kind of stuff just stinks for the non smoker. I find them in my yard from people driving by or walking by. I hate it.

    Try watching your neighbors. See if the cigarette they have is the same brand you keep finding. If so, you may have your culprit. I would imagine it is the one directly above you. Often, ash trays are so overly filled that they can get blown off in the wind, so it may not even be intentional. Just laziness.

    There are those who will take offense to anything you say, so you take a risk trying to talk to them. But there are far more that will try to be more careful if you ask.

    Start out with saying hi and how nice it is to meet them. Compliment them on their home if you can see any. Then say you are sorry but the cigarette butts they are smoking are falling down into your patio. If there's anything possible they could do to help the situation.

    Good luck.  

  2. I would go to the dollar store and buy a pack of ash trays and go to each room above you and leave an ask tray by the door with a note explaining your feelings.

    I don't like smoking either...

    I'm not the type to make enemies either.

    But i have a lot of friends that smoke and I think they would get the hint and understand.

  3.   I sympathize with your problem, as I also hate finding butts

        anywhere in my garden, walkway, etc.

    What I would suggest is, if you do not have the time to kick back

    on your balcony someday and actually see where it is specifically

    coming from, to be able to approach them personally and kindly

    ask them to be considerate and USE ashtrays, then how about

    leaving a To All Tenants notice on the mailbox or placed where

    all could read it, stating to please be considerate and use

    ashtrays on balconies. After all, if they did that while driving, and

    used their window, they would receive a $500.00 fine immediately!

    (do not state that, I was only commenting! )   :)

    A polite notice to inform all concerned might work! Or, asking if

    another neighbor might take notice, or even posting a notice,

    facing upwards politely stating the request might work!

    All in all, good luck!

  4. I would find out who smokes that lives above you and politely ask them if you have been dumping ashes and if they could please stop.

  5. How many floors are above you? If you have an apartment manager in the building, maybe you can find out from them who smokes above you. Who ever it is, they already seem to be very rude with no manners. If this has recently started than it must be the newest tenant. Perhaps all of you can get together and get some rules established concerning where to smoke and where to place cigarette butts besides on another persons patio. In the mean time keep a  pail of water handy to put out any fires. good luck

  6. I live in an apartment complex and the people above me smoked and I found cigarette butts in the yard and on my patio. I didn't want to call the office and complain, I don't like being a tattle tale. I ran into the maintenance guy one morning whom everyone seems to like, and he knew right away who was doing it, he spoke to them and it stopped immediately. Hope I  helped

  7. place some of the butts at each doorstep above you and maybe they will get the hint! Or report it to the building and grounds people. I would personally do a stake out!

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