
Cigarettes and PMS question...?

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I generally get really really nauseous a couple of days before my period. Sometimes i throw up, but not usually. The other day I was out and I smoked 6 cigarettes in a row (this is normal for me) and i threw up. I'm wondering if cigarettes make you more nauseous or increase your chance of throwing up when you're sick.

Please be mature.

And yes, i already know smoking is bad and all the health threats that go along with it, I don't need to be lectured.




  1. Yes they do. So when your about to have your period. or when your PMSing dont smoke.

  2. im a heavy smoker too, it would be worse if my husband didnt monitor my cigs(lol) and i feel the same, but only the day of my period, than i just lose interst incigs for the duration of the period, but if i dont smoke thani feel bad, too, so i think it is just normal. hope i helped.

  3. Yes, smoking 6 cigarettes in a row will make you sick. The amount of nicotine and carcinogens you're getting is too much to handle at once. Don't forget nicotine is a powerful stimulant and causes your blood vessels to contract. So when you're PMSing and already aching, the constriction caused by smoking is going to feel worse.  

  4. Yes, it makes it worse because it rises your blood pressure.

  5. Yes it does mess up your system you shouldn't smoke around your menstrual period it isn't good for you. And if you have to don't smoke 6 maybe just like 1 or 2. Hope i helped. =)

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