
Cigarettes in Spain?

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Does anyone know how much cigarettes are in spain? We are going to Costa Blanca. In lanzarote they cost around £1 per packet but I don't know if Spain is the same.





  1. It would help if I knew what brand you prefer, nevertheless..........

    Regal are 3.10e

    L + B are 2.90e

    Berkley are 3.00e

    Royals are 2.50e

    Tabs are still cheaper than the UK though as pointed out in previous answers.

    Hope this helps!

  2. The Official Tobacco List shows the current prices as -

    Dunhill - 34 euros.

    Rothman - 32 euros.

    Benson & Hedges, Embassy No.1, Silk Cut, Regal - 31 euros.

    Superkings & Berkeley - 30 euros.

    Lambert & Butler - 29.50 euros.

    Dorchester - 27.50 euros.

    Mayfair - 25 euros.

    Richmond - 24.50 euros.

    John Players Black, Royals & Sovereign - 23 euros

    Make sure you purchase your cigarettes from the Official Tobacco Stores (Tabacos) where, under Government supervision, all the prices are the same.   An example of what a typical tobacconist's looks like - see below.

    To convert these euro prices into pounds use the site below

    Of course, the reason they are cheaper in the Canary Islands is that they are duty free, and therefore officially you are only allowed to buy 200 to bring home.    In Spain they are duty paid and you are permitted to bring 3200 with you.

  3. Cigarettes in mainland Spain are subject to higher taxes than in the Canaries, but they're still a lot cheaper than in the UK. Expect to pay between 2.10 and 2.60€ for a packet.

  4. A packet costs between 2.45 € and 3.15 € in machine, 15 cents cheaper if you buy it in a tobacco shop (estanco).

  5. They are cheaper in Lazarote, but still a lot cheaper in Spain than the UK.  Marlboro Light are 3 euros a packet and they are the most expensive.  You can buy UK brands at the airport in Spain.
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