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Does it hurt the first time you smoke a cigar?? or a cigarette? if so why?




  1. Are you serious? Does it hurt? That's a very idiotic question.

    But you may throw up.

  2. Smoking a cigar may 'hurt' for the first time.

    You won't be used to the smoke, to begin with, and the nicotine buzz may not be the most comfortable feeling in the world.

    Cigarettes WILL hurt as you are inhaling  smoke directly into your lungs

  3. No, it doesn't hurt. The smoke can make you want to cough, though. You see, learning to smoke is basically teaching your body to inhale smoke without coughing. (Like the other guy said, most people don't inhale cigars, but you can.)

    What you have to do is start out taking very small puffs, inhaling them slowly, and trying hard to not cough. AFter you have done this a few times, the feeling will pass and you can start taking bigger puffs. Then you work on building up a tolerance to the nicotine.

    Write if you need help or have questions!

    But no, smoking doesn't cause you any pain. It feels good!

  4. No, it does not hurt.  However, it could be an uncomfortable experience.  


  5. Well cigars and cigarettes are to be smoke differently, cigars you basically only bring the smoke into your mouth and dont inheal. Cigarettes you inheal. But yea some people find smoking cigarettes to be uncomfortable b/c there not for everyone. But if you are smoking the cigar properlly then you should be fine.

  6. It doesnt hurt but it does make your throaght really itchy because your nice clean lungs are being infected with dirty chemicals!!!

    but the coughing isnt the worst of it, its the head rush you get when you inhale ciggys, its not a nice buzz

    lol you will probably realise this when you try them

  7. Well, you aren't really supposed to inhale cigars. You just role the smoke around in your mouth and blow it back out. You suck slightly on the end of the cigar (not inhaling like you see smokers do on the street).

    I was taught proper cigar etiquette by my granddad , but I've only smoked cigars twice in my life. I was convinced I was going to end up in a coughing fit but nope. When done properly its nothing.

    Can't say I know anything about cigarettes, but I'm assuming you would cough a little if you inhaled the smoke literally into your lungs. If you've every accidently inhaled campfire smoke or other smoke and coughed a little its like that.
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