
Cinammon Toast Crunch?

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In every Cinnamon Toast Crunch commercial, there is always the kids showing some adult the cereal asking them, "Can you see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?" And the adult always reply with some wrong answer.

My question is if the motto of the cereal is "The taste you can see", then why can't any of the adults see the Cinammon swirls?

I'm extremley bored, and just curious.




  1. Not only can I see the cinnamon swirls, I can see the sugar.  My kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

  2. Because "you" reefers to children only.  It's trying to make them feel like part of an elite group, the only people who can see the taste of the cereal.

  3. Say, maybe you're on to something here!  You ought to write to the makers of Cinammon Toast Crunch and tell them what you've seen as a *negative* response-getter in their commercial on TV.  Make a suggestion as to how YOU think the commercial should be "spiced up"; such as to -- add a reply from the adult:"I think I do -- let me taste and see if I'm right!"

    Go ahead and give it a try.  You might get some kinda reward for it!

  4. theyre stupid?

  5. Becuz there old and the getting blind I think lol i dont know why

  6. I don't think cinnamon toast crunch tastes too well.
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