
Cincinnati Reds’ first baseman Joey Votto could lose potential time – MLB News

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Cincinnati Reds’ first baseman Joey Votto could lose potential time – MLB News
The Cincinnati Reds’ received another bad news on Friday as they heard that their talented first baseman Joey Votto could lose more potential time.
Votto recently underwent a minor procedure to remove a piece of floating cartilage which could delay his return to probable ten days.
Later Cincinnati’s team trainer Paul Lessard also confirmed that Votto had a minor procedure which according to his physicians will take seven to ten days to heal fully.
“I’d rather see where he is when we get back, to give you a safer bet of how long,” Lessard said for Joey Votto.  
Reds’ already in deep trouble as their senior players are not performing well and they needed Votto as soon as possible.    
Reds’ manager Dusty Baker is also worried for his player’s potential return as he recently said in the media, “I’m glad they found it when they did. They’re going back in the same hole as the first time, when they first scoped it. If we’re gonna go deep,
we’re gonna need Scottie and we’re gonna need Joey, I had hoped we’d get Joey back pretty soon here. You can last without your star player for a while but after a while, especially when you’re facing tough pitching, you’re gonna need your star player. … He’s
not (2010) MVP for nothing.”
Votto is out from the Reds’ lineup since mid July as he already had an arthroscopic knee surgery and was planning to return this week but with due to another procedure, his hopes to return on the field has faded away.
Votto is a talented player and the Reds who are working extremely hard to get a potential post season spot, also know how important Votto’s return is for their team.
Votto is a talented player and has been around for his team on several difficult situations and provided them great stability. Before getting injured, Votto was playing on .342 hitting, 14 homers, 49 RBIs and .465 OBP while his career .316 hitting, 133 homers,
450 RBIs and .412 OBP also makes him a very productive player especially for the Reds.                            



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