
Cincinnati Reds looking for an extra infielder – MLB News

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Cincinnati Reds looking for an extra infielder – MLB News
As the new season nears, the Cincinnati Reds have not abandoned looking for an extra shortstop that will back Zack Cozart. The necessity to bring in an infielder is an issue that the club is addressing on an urgent basis.
However, what has become clear now is that the Cincinnati Reds want to take the course of trading a player, rather than seeing in open market for an available player. For the trade, it goes without saying; the club has to put on offer a player.
Be that as it may, it is not completely clear who the Reds want to trade right now. Walt Jocketty, the Cincinnati Reds’ manager, says that everything will be clear by next week as talks are being pursued. He, nonetheless, avoided giving much detail into it.
"We're still talking to a couple of clubs," Jocketty said late Friday. "We'll know something by next week, hopefully. I don't think there's a lot of guys out there free agent-wise."
Ryan Theriot is one name that has floated recently and is making the rounds. The team manager made a reference to it once asked if the Reds had spoken to the player. "We've talked to him, had some conversations," Jocketty said.
However, Jocketty stopped short of revealing further about the player. Even if Theriot does not make his way into the Cincinnati Reds, this will not necessarily be a disadvantage for the team. However, his inclusion may well be harbinger of more strength for the team.
On the other hand, much as the talk of an extra shortstop is apparently important for the team, the club is also taking the arbitration cases of Nick Masset and Jose Arredondo. Jocketty commented that things pertaining to it shall be adjusted soon.
"We've had preliminary discussions," Jocketty said. "We hope to get them done before the hearings. I think they feel the same way."
The Cincinnati Reds have recently made many changes in the roster to be able to face the uphill tasks in the days to come. With Spring Training looming, it will benefit the team to get all their players ready.



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