
Cincinnati Reds looking for great things from Jay Bruce – MLB News

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Cincinnati Reds looking for great things from Jay Bruce – MLB News
The Cincinnati Reds recently signed Jay Bruce to a six-year $51 million contract and are looking for magic to happen from the star out-fielder.
Bruce is a tremendous player with immense talent. The Reds are already impressed by him and extended his contract. The team will be looking to Bruce for some good performances as Spring Training is about to start and the Reds want to put in a decent effort
on the field against some of the top tier teams in the League.
Spring Training gives the Reds an ideal opportunity to fine tune their strategies and finalise their pitching rotation and batting line-up for the upcoming regular season. Bruce plays a big role for the Reds if they are to have any type of success in the
2011 regular season.
During the 2010 season, Bruce had 68 home-runs with a batting average of .257 and 180 RBIs to his name. The Reds will be looking to Bruce for a repeat of this type of performance in the upcoming regular season.
Bruce commented on his contract extension with the Reds and said, "Obviously, with the extension, I know where I'm going to be for the next six-to-seven years. But expectations wise, it's the same. We're trying to go out and have a better season next year.
I'm trying to improve as a player in order to help my team win. We have a great thing going now. I'm really excited about it."
The Reds will be hoping that Bruce stay healthy and fit as he is a tremendous player that the team relies on to carry them throughout the regular season. The contract extension is proof of the trust and faith that the Reds have in Bruce. Now that he has
signed a long term contract, he will be free to play openly without any worries. It will be exciting to see Bruce during the 2011 regular season as he will open his arms and swing the bat with all his might as he has nothing to lose.



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