
Cincinnati Reds were unaware of the seriousness of Joey Votto’s injury – MLB News

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Cincinnati Reds were unaware of the seriousness of Joey Votto’s injury – MLB News
The Cincinnati Reds on Tuesday, July 17, acknowledged for the first time that they were unaware of the seriousness of the injury plaguing the first baseman Joey Votto. The Reds’ All-Star player is in the news after the arthroscopic surgery on his left knee.
Votto was visibly uncomfortable even with running after the injury he sustained on June 29. Playing against the San Francisco Giants, Votto, while sliding into third base, ended up injuring his knee.
With the revelation of the news that Votto had needed surgery after the MRI exam, there were increased questions as to why the Reds did not take the decision earlier.
That matter was addressed by the Reds on Tuesday, saying they did not think it was so serious. Baker went to the extent to say that with the medical staff available, the problem did not at that time, merit going for an MRI exam.
"They didn't think it was what it was or as serious as it was," Baker said on Tuesday. "It happens all the time. We've got one of the best medical staffs around. It's easy to say 'How come you didn't do this or that?' It didn't merit or warrant doing that at that time."
The team’s general manager, Walt Jocketty, shared the views of Baker. The very fact that the Reds’ superstar continued to play despite that injury gave the club the reassurance that he was alright. But as things moved on, it became ever worrying for the Reds.
"We didn't know it was problem," Jocketty said. "He played quite a few days without it bothering him. Then it started to bother him again more and more."
The Reds, for now, can seek some contentment by the fact that Votto has now had successful arthroscopic surgery. That will require him a month’s rest. Although Votto will be missed, the Reds are surely out for finding a better substitute who can step into his place.
How the Reds manage it in the days ahead will be a big question, best answered by the able handling of the matter by the team.



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